Episode 46

December 04, 2022


Episode 46 - The 7 I Am's of Jesus - Pt 5

Episode 46 - The 7 I Am's of Jesus - Pt 5
The Unveiling Podcast
Episode 46 - The 7 I Am's of Jesus - Pt 5

Dec 04 2022 | 00:37:07


Show Notes

Episode 46 - The 7 I Am's of Jesus - Pt 5


John 11:25 (NIV) - 25Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hi, and welcome to the unveiling. I'm Tim, one of the hosts, and along with Andjay and Mark, we are three guys discussing the one true gospel. We hope you're encouraged by this episode. Let's dive right in. Speaker 1 00:00:23 Welcome back to the unveiling with your hosts aj, mark and Tim. This is episode 46. We are delving back into the seven I ams of Jesus in the Book of John. This is gonna be number five in that series. And today's verse specifically is John 1125 that says, Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life, the one who believes in me will live even though they die. So this is, uh, very short verse, but there's a lot of implications here. So before we get started in diving into the context of the verse itself, let's put the context of where it is biblically speaking in it, in the life of Jesus, Lazarus, Mary and Martha were friends of Jesus. And, uh, he received word that Lazarus was sick and decided that he wasn't gonna go right away. And then he said something cryptic, which I'm sure nobody understood at the time, but he says, Lazarus sickness existed so that the glory of God could be seen. Speaker 1 00:01:31 Two days later, someone came and said he had passed away. So Jesus and the disciples went, they, he went to the house of Lazaruth and was met on the road by, uh, Mary or Martha, excuse me. And she told him, you know, if you had come when he was sick, I know you could have healed him. So she had faith in his abilities. She'd seen miracles. She, she knew he could heal. Uh, but Jesus, Jesus told her that her brother would rise again. Martha repeats that she knows of Jesus teaching, but she still fails to connect those teachings to who Jesus is. I know he will rise again in the last resurrection days. And so she's like, you know, I understand spiritual resurrection and I know all that's gonna happen, and I know Jesus never did this. But every once in a while when he's dealing with people, I picture him shaking his head like, no, no, no, no, no, you didn't get the point again. Speaker 1 00:02:28 Um, but that's just the way we humans are. And I know he doesn't do that. He loves us so much. He would never be disappointed in us. But he said to her, I am the resurrection and the life, and the one who believes in me will live even though they die. And whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this? And that's, uh, John 1125 and 26. So in the next few minutes, Jesus walks down to the tomb, has the move, the op, you know, the obstruction out of the way, the opening and calls an loud voice, lazaruth come forth and out walks Lazarus, kind of shedding grave clothes as he comes out. You know, they weren't exactly mummified, but he was in certain fes that they put on the dead, lo and behold, alive and well in the world, in the physical world. So he, he brings the point home. That is, he's not contained to just the spiritual, he's also involved in the physical. And that's what he proved that day. So here I am going on and on. I'm gonna pass this off. Mark, where do we go from here? It's a lot to unpack. Speaker 2 00:03:36 Well, just, I wanna comment on one thing you just pointed out before I, uh, dive into my direction here. I, I find it very interesting that when Martha goes running to Jesus, who's coming from far off to tell him, Hey, you know what the one you love, you know, Jesus was very close to Lazaruth, Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. He's dying. You need to come, you know, and Jesus said, your brother will rise again. And I, her answer, I know He will rise again in the resurrection at the last day, like you pointed out, it's a very religious, spiritual answer. It's almost like, almost like modern day kids sitting in Sunday school over the years. This is all she knows about resurrection. It's the, the common religious teaching of that time. And then Jesus, you know, very much like when he would teach on the 10 Commandments, he would say, I know you've heard it said that, but, and then he would bam hit him with the full power of the truth. Speaker 2 00:04:43 And here he is saying, wait a minute, this isn't just Sunday school catechism. Here I am the resurrection and the life. And as, uh, as I prepared and thought a lot in the last week about this topic of Jesus telling us, and you know, first of all Martha, but all of us, that he is the resurrection and the life. That's a very powerful statement. In fact, as I thought about it, this topic is literally a matter of life and death. It doesn't get more important than this. And that's literally as well. And, and the context is important too, I think, because all the things he's saying here, he's proving them. Who else has brought somebody back literally from the dead that's been, yeah, we have doctors who use paddles, but this is someone who's dead days. I think it was at least two days by the time he, maybe longer four. Yeah. He had been in, been in the tomb four days. So, you know, he's proving that my words have validity. Speaker 3 00:05:46 Yeah. So, yeah, mark, you know, like you said, you know, one thing that struck me is, you know, Jesus is simply saying that I am the resurrection in life, right? And it's very clear here. And in John one, John verse five, I mean, in chapter five, says, he that has the son has life and he does not have, the son does not have life. So I dunno, how many of us realize that life is in the person of Lord Jesus Christ. You know, without him, we have no life. You know, sometimes when we think of eternal life, we think, okay, yeah, it is life everlasting. You know, we go to heaven and we all will live forever. But that eternal life is Lord Jesus Christ himself. And the Bible has many pictures. You know, one of the real strongest pictures is, I am the wh you are the branches, right? And he clearly says, you know, if the branch does not remain in the wine, if the branch separates from the wine, it'll die. So again, I think it's important to understand Jesus himself, the person of Jesus Christ. He's eternal life. And unless we are in him, we have no life. And it also has many implications on, you know, how we live the Christian life. I guess, you know, we can touch later. But, uh, this is a point that, uh, popped out at me. You know, Jesus himself, his life outside of him, there's no life. Speaker 1 00:07:08 You know, a it's a good point in John alone in these seven verses, Jesus uses the word in the descriptions of himself that start with, I am, he uses the word life three times we've covered one, I am the bread of life. We're going over the, I am the resurrection in life. And yet to come is I am the way, the truth in the life. And then of course, you picked up that, uh, that verse in, uh, one John and, and there are other places. So this is obviously an important part cuz it's repeated over and over. Speaker 3 00:07:41 Yeah. In fact, even when Jesus says, I am the light, it doesn't stop the, he says, I am the light of life. He that follows me will not walk in darkness. So all of them are, you know, uh, pointing to this life, that life we don't have. When Adam died, you know, we, when Adam sinned, we all died. When he died in him, we all died. And ever since, you know what humanity is seeking after his real life and they don't have it. The real life that we all are seeking for, that we lost in Adam, and we have a longing for is found in the law, Jesus Christ. And outside of him, there's no life. Speaker 2 00:08:17 And it really makes sense when you think about it because John one, one tells us in the beginning was the word capital w referring to Jesus. And the word was with God. And the word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made without him, nothing was made. That has been made in him was life. And that life was the light of all mankind. All life was made through Christ. In fact, it says the life was in him. He is the source of all life. And he's still the source of all life, uh, resurrection life and life in the here and now. Because he also said, you know, most Christians and even people that are Christians know about eternal life. But Jesus said, I've come to give you life now and life to the fall. He's just, he's lifelike in a life explosion. You know, when you think about it, all life is contained in him. Speaker 1 00:09:17 So we picked on of this verse, we've picked on life a little bit, and I I think maybe it might behoove our listeners if we just touch on when Jesus said in this verse, the one who believes in me will live even though they die. Now, that's very contradictory. And maybe for some people who have not had some of the background we've had being raised in the church, they may not understand exactly what that means. Is won't someone wanna take a crack at that? Uh, and then, then, uh, we can move forward with it or, or onto resurrection? Well, Speaker 2 00:09:52 I think I've got a great scripture here that addresses that point, Tim, and you guys can chime in on this. Second Corinthians five, four is talking about our earthly bodies. And it says, for a while we are in this tent. We groan and are burdened because we do not wish to be unclothed, but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling. In other words, our resurrection bodies. So that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now, the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God who has given us the spirit as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. So there's a couple things here that I really, I just love that term swallowed up by life. And you know, the bi we all know, even without scripture, everybody on the planet knows we're all going to die. Even Christians, as we're watching people we love that are believers. Speaker 2 00:10:49 Wait a minute, they died. I thought Jesus said Yeah, but they were swallowed up by life and came into full life even more. I've heard someone say once that the life we, the the life we experience, when we come into the presence of God, what we have experienced down here is almost gonna not seem, it's almost like the, the comparison of the glory of life is gonna seem like no glory at all here. That's why, um, who was it? I think it was Peter that said, uh, considering the glory set before us, our trials here on earth are like nothing to even complain about. Speaker 3 00:11:26 Reminded me of the verse, uh, um, in again, John chapter one, mark, you know, the light shines in darkness and the darkness did not overcome it. So, you know, it's uh, uh, it's uh, very interesting. You know, you said that the life of Lord Christ actually swallowed up death, you know, before Christ. What happened right before the Lord Christ before is finished for before his death on the cross for us, for Adam, right? You know, know, death swallowed up Adam's life because of sin. You know, when Adam sinned, death actually swallowed up Adam's life and Adam died and then Adam was in the light, but he was, uh, he was in the kingdom of light with God, so to speak, but you know, he was thrown into the kingdom of darkness. But you know, in Jesus, it's the other way. We are in darkness. His light overcomes our darkness and we are sinful, right? But his blood washes away our sin and then we are dead. His life swallows up our death. So I think that's why, you know, once we come into Christ, right, when we, once we are planted in life, we should never be afraid of, you know, death, overpowering life again. Because the life we have is greater than the death we died in Adam. Speaker 2 00:12:41 And I love the last, that last scripture I just read, that last line says, now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose, we were not created to die. It's not God's desire that we die. The very purpose he created us for was life. And Jesus has come given his own life to restore that purpose to us. We were created to live not to die. And I would say, you know, as I get older friends and family, people are dying, starting to die. I'm not that old, but I mean, still. And I just, and it, you know, I caught myself saying recently when a friend of my wife passed away that I'm like, man, do I hate death? But then it just struck me. There's one who hates death even more than I do. And that's Jesus. In fact, he, he hated it so much that he went to extreme lengths to conquer it. Um, so thank you Lord on that. Speaker 1 00:13:39 Amen. Good point. So we've, we've talked a little bit about what the life means, what Martha understood the resurrection in the spiritual sense. Is there a physical sense in the here and now that the resurrection has for us as Christians today? Speaker 3 00:13:59 Yeah, you know, I think it is, I will actually want to go back and touch on the spiritual resurrection as well in a bit. But I think on the physical li side also, right? You know, once we have the resurrection life of our Lord Jesus Christ, it does work in us. In fact, you know, if you go to Roman chapter eight, right? That clearly talks about it. Um, okay, Romans chapter eight was from starting from verse nine, it's talking to believers, right? It's clearly saying that you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit if indeed the spirit of God dwells in you. So we know for sure right, the spirit of God dwells in us because the Bible clearly says, when we receive the forgiveness of sins, we have also received the gift of the Holy Spirit. And if the spirit of God is dwelling in us, the scripture says, we are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. Speaker 3 00:14:51 Now, if anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, he is none of us. So that is a lit, much touched of a believer. If you don't have the spirit of Christ, no matter what you believe, intellectually, no matter, no matter how many, how much of a good life you have morally, you're still not his. You have to have the spirit of Christ. And now is the scripture, you know, that I was talking about. And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin. But spirit is life because of righteousness. And if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead wealth in you, he who raised Christ from the dead, will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you. So obviously it's talking about the mortal bodies, right? It's not talking about immortal bodies. So it's talking about the body. Now we have so if the spirit of life that raised Jesus from the dead, right? So in other words, it's saying if the resurrection life of, um, God wealths in you, it'll also quicken your mortal. So we can expect the life of Christ to manifest not only in our spirits, not only in our soul, but also in our bodies. Speaker 2 00:15:59 Yeah. And that agrees completely with Jesus said, with what he said in John six. He said, the spirit gives life. The flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you, they are full of the spirit and life. And just to also point out who is the spirit? The spirit is Christ. Yeah. It's the spirit of Christ in us. And if we have the spirit of Christ in us, and he is the life, we've got life. Yep. Tim, I'm gonna pick up right from, um, as Jesus is on his way with Martha now to go to Lazareth, to Lazarus, before he resurrect him, it says as he came there when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who would come along with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in spirit, in troubled, where have you laid him? He asked, come and see Lord. Speaker 2 00:16:52 They replied, Jesus wept Jesus once more deeply moved, came to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across the entrance, take away the stone. He said, this really moves me to read this. Because when you think about, uh, the life that Jesus led, he was always in perfect peace in every situation being attacked by the Pharisees. Just, you know, there's only a few, couple times that he shows emotion to this depth, but this one really moves me here. It just shows how much Jesus, he knew he was gonna raise Lazarus from the dead. So why would he weep or cry or be deeply troubled? Because it wasn't because he was sad about Lazarus. It was because even though he knew he was gonna raise them, he loved these people and empathized with, he empathizes with our mourning and our sorrow over death. Even though he knows he's gonna raise, you know, us, us when we die, he still cares about what we care about. And to me, that just really moved me. Speaker 3 00:18:03 Yeah, mark, you know, I, uh, never really understood that you know what it means. And some people say, uh, some things you know about it, right? Their own interpretation. But I think, uh, he was, uh, it's, uh, it amazes me, right? You know, he wept, right? He wept and he showed his human emotion. Um, Speaker 1 00:18:22 Well, we've always said that Christ came fully man, uh, fully man and fully God. How could he be fully man if he didn't experience, if he didn't experience all of the emotions that we do, including loss, grief, as well as the good ones? You know, I mean, this, this is part of the human experience. Speaker 2 00:18:42 And, and I think on that note as I think about it, he knew that just in a matter of moments, their grief would turn to massive joy in celebration. So I think, I think his weeping and being deeply moved was also on a larger scale than just that particular situation. I think he was maybe being moved by death in general, that like what be fell mankind. The reason he came to save us was because God doesn't want death for us. The very reason he fashioned us was for life. So I think he was moved by their show of weeping and mourning over death. But I think possibly even on a larger scale, death is these are the people I love, I'm coming to die for. Look what, look how death affects them. So, Speaker 3 00:19:36 So yeah, I would like to, uh, go back to our main words today. I am the resurrection and the life. So we did talk about the second part, right? We talked about the life, but you know, I want to touch upon the first part. I am the resurrection, like Mark pointed out. Yeah, I know he will raise in the resurrection at the last day. And large statement is, I am the resurrection. So that means apart from me, there is no resurrection. So in the Jewish culture, I think, uh, uh, in the Jewish, uh, according to Jewish doctrine, yes, there is a, uh, they believed always, you know, in the resurrection, they know that last day we will raise again. But for them, they might be thinking that, you know, each one of us will individually rise in our own resurrection. We all will, will be awakened to life again. Speaker 3 00:20:32 But here, the Lord Christ is saying, I am the resurrection. In other words, without me, you cannot be resurrected. And you know, that goes back to again, our identification with our Lord Jesus Christ. I would like to go back to Romans, uh, six again and, uh, talk about our, uh, identification. You know how Paul puts it, uh, Romans chapter six and starting from verse one, right? Um, so here there's an objection. People are saying, oh, these grace guys are saying, you know, just accept logic. Christ accept grace and go sin. Paul immediately addresses that. What shall we say then? Shall we continue to sin that Grace May bond? Certainly not. So here, the identification part comes, how shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? Or do you not know that as many of us were baptized into Christ, Jesus were baptized into his death, therefore we were buried with him through the baptism into death. Speaker 3 00:21:33 And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of Father, even so, we also should walk in the like, newness of life for if we have been united together in the likeness of his death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection. So I want to pause here and uh, look at this, right? So first of all, we saw that Jesus himself is a resurrection. Apart from him, there is no resurrection. No matter what you believe, all the Jews, without Christ, they won't be resurrected. You know, our resurrection is not like, you know, God is going to pick each and everyone and give an individual life and they come to life back. You know, it's not like that. Our resurrection is the Lord Jesus Christ. And the only way for us to be raised from the dead is we should be united with him. Speaker 3 00:22:23 And before we can be united in his resurrection, you see here, right? We have to be united in his death, you know, gospel all over again. We believe in his death, burial and resurrection, or we believe into his death, into his bural and into his resurrection. When we believe in the law, Jesus Christ, our old man, you know what we were before we believed in Christ, we were in Adam when we believed in Christ, our old man is united with his death. So the old man no longer exists. And then that is actually the baptism is a symbol of the death bur and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, right? So when, uh, when we believe and we are baptized, a simple as you know, when we go inside the water, the old man is united with his death and he was buried. And when we raise out of the water, we are united in his resurrection and we become a new creation. Speaker 3 00:23:21 So I just wanted to say that, you know, it all speaks of our union with our Lord Jesus Christ. Many of us, you know, don't realize that, you know, we are united to Christ. When we believed in him, we were united in his death. And because we were united in his death, we were united in his resurrection. Some people, uh, I just, I'll just say this and stop, mark, I think you want to say something, but if you try to bypass the cross, there is no resurrection. We have to be united in his death first, and then we'll be united in his resurrection. Speaker 2 00:23:51 And, and I, and kind of going from that point, there's a very real aspect in which our resurrection took place. The moment we put our faith in Christ, Jesus said to people, enter into life today. When we put our faith with them, right then we are seated in the heavenly realms. We are raised to the heavenly realms. There's a doneness of the deal already. That's why we have that same power. Paul said in Ephesians one, that, uh, he prayed that we would know the incomparably great power for us who believe, which is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he brought Christ back to life. So when you put your faith in Christ, you've already entered into that resurrection life. No, we haven't been given our eternal bodies yet, but we're already walking in that spirit who gives life. We already have that same power and, and it can resurrect us in many ways in our lives. Speaker 2 00:24:51 It can resurrect broken relationships and physical melodies and, you know, just so many ways resurrection life is just complete. It's not like just for when we die and then, then we get it. So that's just awesome part of our, the riches of our glorious inheritance in him. Uh, one about this, just let me tag one final thought here on what you said. Aji, uh, you were quoting Paul how he was being accused by the religious of his day of preaching that we should sin more so that grace will abound more. What's very interesting is many, and we always put this preface that we're not trying to attack anybody personally, but people, theologians, pastors come out of seminary. They've studied this. They know that Paul was being attacked because he was preaching the message of God's grace, the true gospel. And they were saying that if you rely on grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, you're saying that you should go out and sense that grace should abound more. Well, they know that. And yet that's still the attack they themselves put on the gospel nowadays, which makes no sense. You know, that when they say grace is a licensed to sin or be careful, you gotta keep it in balance. Grace in works, you know, they're, they're making that same mistake that the religious leaders accused Paul of in that day. Speaker 1 00:26:24 Aja, you're probably gonna go a little bit further here in Romans uh, six, but I wanna just pick a verse because Mark was uh, said when saying what he said, verse 14 says, verse sin shall no longer be your master because you are not under the law, but under grace. Now, I don't think, think any verse in the bob anywhere says it that clearly, that straightforwardly you are not under the law. You are under grace. Speaker 2 00:26:51 That's a great point, Tim. And there are the only point I'll, I'm I'll split a slight hair on, is there, there are many, many that are almost that clear, if not that clear, that tell us we are no longer under law and that it's the flesh, it's the works that aroused the sin in us. It's not grace, it's the opposite. Hey, it's almost like it's 180 degrees backwards. Speaker 3 00:27:16 What does that mean? Speaker 2 00:27:17 <laugh>? That's, that's one of our running things that people just, when you, when you don't understand grace and you don't understand works, you mix 'em and they're opposite. They're like oil and water. Speaker 3 00:27:29 Yeah. Tim, I want to quickly touch on the words you, uh, quoted, right? Sin shall not have dominion over you because you're not under the law, but under grace, that means if you are under the law, sin will have dominion over you. Overview, it is so clear, but still people are preaching as if law is the one you know that will deliver us from the domain of sin. It is, you know, sometimes, you know, we don't seem to, unless God opens our eyes, we cannot really see what is plainly written, the scriptures. In fact, all the truths that we discover after God opens our eyes, we go back and see, oh my God, this is so plainly written. How did I miss it? It's not a cryptic thing God is opening, but it's plainly there, but we don't see Speaker 2 00:28:13 It. You know, that's what I just love about First Corinthians chapter two. When we, we did a whole podcast on this. When Paul said, I vowed to know nothing but Christ and him crucified. This is just Jesus when he says, I am the resurrection and the life, when he says I am the way, the truth, it's all him. It's the cross, it's Christ. Everything is found in him. He is the focus of our life. He is the he's our everything really. You know, so how people get their eyes off of that and start looking at the law again. I mean, I did it for many years myself, for lack of knowledge. Speaker 3 00:28:51 I want to go back and back up something you said, uh, before Mark by with scriptures, because we don't say anything without scriptures. Speaker 2 00:28:59 So you're saying my opinion's not enough. Is that what you're saying? <laugh>? Speaker 3 00:29:04 Yeah. Um, um, so you said, you know, we are already resurrected and it is our reality. That's what the scriptures also say. This is one of your favorite chapters I know in efficient chapter two and from verse four. But God, who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ by grace being saved and raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. So it's clear here, right? We may not realize that, but our spirit man is already united, our Lord Jesus Christ and seated in heaven and the spirit man is already resurrected. That's what the Bible says. If any man be in Christ, he's a new creation. All things are passed away. And behold, all things are become new Speaker 2 00:30:00 Inversely, I guess you'd say, not only are we seated in the heavenly realms, the spirit of Christ is in us who gives life to our mortal bodies. Yeah. So we've got it and we're already resurrected, but then he's already here in us now giving life to us, even in this world. Yeah. Speaker 3 00:30:19 Yeah. That is a mystery of the, uh, gospel Christ in us. And we in Christ, we are joined to Christ and Christ comes to live in us. And that is a mystery. Speaker 1 00:30:30 Amen. Offering, offering the last, uh, chance for any points before we do our wrap up, has anybody got anything else they wanna bring up out of this? Speaker 2 00:30:38 I've got a final scripture I'd like to tie my conclusion up with. And this whole thing, there were, you know, there were many people in air back in that day about resurrection. Some believed in it, some didn't believe in it. Uh, some just like, like Martha's thought of it as a catechism, as a spiritual religious kind of thing. But Jesus said this to the people that were in air. He said, you are an error because you do not know the scriptures or the power of God. He said, he said, uh, have you not read what God said to you? I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. When the crowds heard this, they were astonished at his teaching. So hopefully today, as we've focused on this life that's in Christ, it's helped some of us, even the three of us, come into a clear picture of, of Jesus. Speaker 2 00:31:38 And just for a final thought, all these ims we've been doing, it's just become so clear. You know, as I mentioned Paul saying, following to know nothing but Christ and him crucified Christ, saying, I am the way of the truth in the life. All roads have to lead to Christ. Anything else is a detour and a distraction. You know, no matter how much you wanna try to live a good life and try harder and all that, it's not. Apostle Paul said it doesn't profit anybody. It is not excellent. It's not profitable, only focusing on Christ. That's all that profits anybody. Speaker 1 00:32:16 Very good. Mark. Thank you very much. Aj what's, what's on your mind here as weekend to the end? Speaker 3 00:32:21 Yeah, I want to close this with this scripture one, John Fay, uh, from verse 10 to 13, he who believes in the son of God has witness in himself. He who does not believe God has made him a liar because he has not believed the testimony that God has given of his son. And this is a testimony that God has given us eternal life. And this life is in his son. He who has a son has life. He who does not have the son of God, does not have life. These things I have written to you who believes in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe in the name of the Son of God. So, um, here it's clear, right? You know, it's a gospel call anyone today who is hearing they're not sure that they have this life. Speaker 3 00:33:14 It's very, very simple. You simply believe in the name of Son of God. The name of Son of God is Jesus. And Jesus means yawe is salvation. So you simply believe that Jesus is your savior. He died and he rose again to save you simply by believing you have eternal life. And the son of God himself comes to live in you and he shares his own life with us. It's as simple as that. And also after you do that, you don't have to wonder that whether you have this life or not. So here, John wants to, uh, give us assurance. These things have returned to you who believe in the name of Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life. So what a blessing it is. We know that we have eternal Speaker 1 00:34:04 Life, and I will pile onto those with a, what I think is a very good description of what living a resurrection life actually looks like. And this comes from Philippians four, uh, six and seven. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present, your request to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ. We have Jesus in us. He covers us when God looks at us while he sees us, because he loves us as individuals and you know of humanity. He see, he doesn't see any of our weaknesses and foibles because those are all covered by Jesus. And we can live a life prayerful for the things that we need. And, but with full understanding and peace, that passes understanding that we'll guard our hearts and our minds. Speaker 1 00:35:05 And that's, that's amazing. I can go through some, I've been through some heavy stuff and despite it all, if someone will almost inevitably look at me and go, how come you're not freaking out about this? Or how come you're not more upset? It's like, honestly, I don't know. Normally I think my myself I would be, but I think it's because I know it's because I've got Jesus in me, the spirit in me and covering me and guiding me through it with peace. And that is a lovely way to live some days. Amen. Well, guys, is that about wraps us up for tonight? Unless anyone's got a last word in that case once. Once again, it. As usual, I'd like to thank everybody for listening to us. I am going to give you a quick preview of next week. We are gonna continue our series of the Seven Ams. Coming up next is I Am the Way in the, the Truth and the Life from John 14 six. We look forward to you rejoining and listening to us then. And until then, we'll talk to you the next time. Speaker 1 00:36:17 Tim, again, thanks for listening today. We hope you were blessed by today's message. If so, we encourage you to subscribe and share our podcast with your friends and family. Our entire catalog of episodes can be found on our website at www.theunveiledgospel.com. Or you can listen and subscribe on most popular podcast apps. If you have any feedback or questions, you can send us an email to the unveiled [email protected]. You can reach out to us on our Facebook page, the Unveiling Podcast, or you can leave a question or comment on our listener line at 3 5 2 3 9 8 0 0 8 9. Maybe you'll hear yourself on a future episode. That's it for today. As always, God bless and we will talk to you the next time.

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