Episode 35

August 21, 2022


Episode 35 - Introduction to Hebrews

Episode 35 - Introduction to Hebrews
The Unveiling Podcast
Episode 35 - Introduction to Hebrews

Aug 21 2022 | 00:36:45


Show Notes

Tim and Ajai present an introduction to Hebrews

Jesus as our High Priest and the perfect sacrifice.

Hebrew as a foreshadowing of Grace.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hello, and welcome to the unveiling with your hosts. AJ mark, and Tim three guys discussing the one true gospel. We hope you enjoy today's discussion. Let's dive right in. Speaker 1 00:00:23 Hello and welcome to the unveiling with your hosts. AJ mark, and Tim. This is episode 35, an introduction to Hebrews, and you're probably getting tired of me saying there's something different today. Two weeks ago, AJ was out last week. Mark was out this week. Once again, we are without mark, he's still completing some, uh, personal issues that he needed to take care of. We wish him the best and can't wait to have him return and get, get back together again as a group. But AJ, you and I are gonna go ahead and, uh, we're gonna go ahead and start something this week that, uh, we may come back to over time. Uh, cause I know we've already left one series hanging, but episode 35 is an introduction to Hebrews. So if you don't mind my, uh, AJ I'm, I'll just start off with a quick thing that I've, you know, kind of a overview that I've kind of taken from a couple different sources and we can go from there. Speaker 1 00:01:21 The, uh, book of Hebrews in the new Testament written by Paul was composed sometime in the latter half of the first century and addressed to a Christian community whose faith was faltering because of a strong Jewish influence to fortify Christian beliefs. The author describes the perfect priesthood of Christ who unlike the Jewish high priest offered one sacrifice as God's own son, therefore redeeming all of humankind once. And for all the office of the Jewish high priest by contrast was filled by a temporary appointee whose imperfect sacrifice had to be re had to be repeated over and over that. Uh, and the author concludes that Christianity subsequently is superior to Judaism. So that's my Tencent overview. Like I said, probably taken from a Wikipedia here and a, uh, introduction to the book in a couple of different Bibles. So AJ, we called this an introduction. Hebrews, are we done now or would you like to expand a little bit? Speaker 2 00:02:35 <laugh> well, Tim, you say we are done, you know, we can wrap it up, but Speaker 1 00:02:40 Don't go by me by I many Speaker 2 00:02:43 <laugh> since we have some time, you know, maybe we can, uh, dig into a little bit more. Yeah, like you said, uh, not only from the commentary, I spent a lot of time in the book of Hebrews and it's the, it's one of my favorite books. And like you said, the primary, uh, point about, uh, Hebrews is, uh, Jesus as our high priest. So in the old covenant, if we go and look at the old covenant and sometimes, you know, we actually may not notice it, but in the old con sacrifices, it's not enough that you have a sacrifice, right. A lamb without a blemish, but you also need a priest to offer the sacrifice. In fact, if they didn't have a priest or if the priest is not qualified to offer the sacrifice, then atonement cannot be made. So even though they had an atonement, they could not actually, um, make the, to, because the high priest is very important. Speaker 2 00:03:41 So the author of Hebrews in a beautiful way, he brings that out. Like you said, I think some of the Jewish people, even though Jesus, some of the Jewish Christians, I think, you know, even though Jesus was, uh, went to the cross and he shut his blood and then he sacrificed, uh, for our, since once and for all, they were again, returning to the temple sacrifices. So then the author actually know, starts with where they are from the law of Moses. And then he establishes that Jesus sees the high priest, right? He is, uh, perfect high priest that is better than the priest of the old covenant and he's a better, and he offered a better sacrifice than the old covenant. So he builds on that. And uh, then from that angle, he actually, uh, then goes into the new covenant and then he actually proves the point that why the work of Jesus is superior to the work of the priest in the whole covenant. Speaker 1 00:04:47 You just mentioned that they, you know, as I said earlier, the Jews were inserting an influence in the church and kind of bringing them back to the earthly priest. And I think there's good correlation there in that today in our churches where we have the example of grace and the gospel of grace and Jesus Christ, the personification of grace, we have people trying to slip back into the old covenant. It's not easy to get out of what you've been brought up with your whole life. It's not easy to throw an entire system of tradition and, and work and effort. So, I mean, I kind of understand where that congregation that was getting this message was coming from. I just thought it correlated interestingly with our struggle sometimes today with accepting the message of grace. Speaker 2 00:05:38 Yeah. In fact, it is a lot more correlated than, uh, the way you put it, Tim, because if you go to an average church, right. Typically, you know, what are the reading on Sunday? You hardly find somebody teaching from Theil of Paul. They're going back and reading from Deuteronomy, or they're going reading from Exodus Leviticus and trying to apply that to us directly, basically putting people back under the law. Speaker 1 00:06:06 So that's a lot like them going back to their Jewish background because those books, you all mentioned, they're all the part of the Penta show, the first five books of the Bible, uh, or the Torah, I guess is another way of saying it. So yeah. We're still struggling to go back to our Jewish roots. Speaker 2 00:06:22 Yeah. In fact, I think I would venture to say, I might be wrong here, but I think, uh, Christians know the law of Moses more than most of the Jews, because most of the time they say some of the Jews have become secular. They don't really follow it. And they really don't have a temple to go to and they don't have sacrifices anymore. So I do not believe they strictly follow the law of Moses, but I believe like even though we are Gentiles, right, even though we came to, uh, Christianity through the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, we somehow go back to the law of Moses and try to follow Moses more than our law. Jesus Christ. So Speaker 1 00:07:01 That's another term we throw around a lot, the, uh, laws law of Moses, that's the 10 commandments, but there, but where the Jewish Jews excelled is in these 603 additional rabbinical laws that are enumerated throughout the pen. Speaker 2 00:07:19 Well, yeah, generally we refer to 10 commandments, but in the context of book of Hebrews, uh, when I said the law of Moses, I meant all the five books of Moses, which includes the 10 commandments as well as the offerings and sacrifices. And sometimes I've seen Christians, you know, most of us, we know that, you know, we cannot perfectly keep the 10 commandments, but we go to other things like sacrifices and offerings and, uh, do not eat this, do not touch this. Right. You know, dogs are unholy, have seen people preach, you know, trying to get something out of the rest of the book of Moses and try to apply to Christianity. Speaker 1 00:07:58 Yeah. And then, and never that that's oil and water, you know, uh, once we've, once Jesus came, those two, those two are separate and not equal. Speaker 2 00:08:08 Yeah. So just to quote a couple of scriptures, you know, just to back up the point that, uh, you know, this book is about, uh, the high priestly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. So in Hebrew chapter, as he starts Hebrew chapter one, and he talks about our Lord Jesus Christ and saying that, you know, he is actually, uh, God's final word to us. God spoke through prophets. And, uh, he spoke through the law, but now he spoke to us through his son, Jesus Christ. So when the Bible says, you know, he spoke to us through his son, it's not talking about the sermon on the Mount. It's not talking about what Jesus said on the Mount, but it's referring to the work of our largest Christ. You know, that is evident from the book because rest of the book is about the work of our law Christ. So it's specifically talking about the finished work of our Lord. Jesus Christ is death bur and resurrection. So God spoke to us through the cross and through the resurrection of our law. Jesus Christ. Speaker 1 00:09:12 Not to say there's anything wrong with the red letter stuff, but yeah, that's not, it's, it's not contained by that. Speaker 2 00:09:18 Yes, yes. Yeah. So whoever believes in the law, Jesus Christ, right, is finished work. You know, they are the ones that are saved and whoever rejects the work of our largest Christ are lost. So, so I guess in other words, you know, when it says, you know, Lord spoke to us through a largest Christ, it's referencing to the gospel of a largest Christ, not necessarily the words of Lord Jesus Christ that he spoke because some people go in the mode of, okay, now God spoke in the old Testament, through the prophets. And now he spoke to me through the red letters, especially the Mafi sermon on the Mount. And people go in the mode of trying to keep the sermon on the Mount. In fact, interestingly, it is much harder than keeping the law <laugh>. It gets, uh, really, uh, nonsensical for lack of better words, because some people really accept that they cannot keep the law of Moses, but they try to keep the words of Christed on the sermon on the Mount. So, which are much harder and much more difficult to keep than the law of Moses Speaker 1 00:10:24 Man, because he pulls out actual human behavior and says, this is what you wanna do, but you've gotta do this. It's like, wait a minute, at least with a set of rules that weren't specific to things I might want to do. I can, I have a shot at keep in a few of 'em. Cause I don't, I'm not gonna go out and murder anybody that I'm aware of, but yeah, I, I don't necessarily ever want to treat my enemies. Like I would treat, you know, as my friends. Speaker 2 00:10:49 Yep, exactly, exactly. Yeah. So that was, uh, first chapter. So moving on to second chapter immediately towards the end of second chapter, he introduces this, right? So therefore in chapter 17, therefore he had to be made like his brethren in all things so that he might become a Mercyful and faithful high priest in all things pertaining to God to make propitiation for the sense of the people. So right away, he introduces this idea that, you know, Lord Jesus Christ he's made like us. And the reason for him to become like us is to become a faithful and merciful high priest so that he can perform the things that are pertaining to God, basically to make ation for the sense of the people. Speaker 1 00:11:39 Amen. Speaker 2 00:11:39 So he goes on to say, and you know, this whole book is, uh, about the high priestly ministry, but also the beautiful thing about this is as a Lord is introduced as a high priest, right? So, and then he's introduced as somebody who makes prop appreciation for the sense of the people. So in order to make a propitiation, there needs to be a sacrifice, right? So in the old Testament, the sacrifice was bulls and goats and they had to be, uh, um, without blemish, they had to be pure, bright, and they have, they have certain criteria to, uh, determine that, you know, that sacrifice is actually qualified to become a sacrifice for us since Speaker 1 00:12:22 A whole laundry list of ideals that, you know, had to be maintained in a certain amount of cleanliness and where it could be raised. And, you know, lamb couldn't even have a bit of color on, it had to be pure white. I mean, all these things had to be, uh, followed or it was a, could be considered a rejected sacrifice. Speaker 2 00:12:40 Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. The beauty of, uh, the new covenant is, you know, we have a priest and we need a sacrifice, but the sacrifice also is our largest Christed. So he is not only the priest, but he also, he's a sacrifice and he's a, a spotless lamb of God. And the Bible says in, uh, in Hebrew chapter 10 that, you know, the law is only a shadow of good things to come. And those shadows are in the old Testament, right? Like, uh, the priest was referring to our largest Christ and the offerings and the sacrifices we're referring to our, the work of our largest Jesus Christ and the Bible in Hebrew chapter eight says even the temple, the Turac that was made is also a shadow of heavenly thinks. So everything in the old Testament is actually a shadow of the world Christ. Speaker 1 00:13:36 Yeah. The, the, you mentioned a little bit earlier, I'm tying it to this, that, uh, there has to be a, has to be a priest in the old Testament. The priest was a specific, uh, function, separate from the sacrifice in this, this, the priest is the sacrifice. Yes, further the differences are only the high priest could go into the holy of Holies to perform certain sacrifices. And they literally would tie a rope around his leg when he went in. Because even after all his purification, all his own sacrifices, going through all the rituals and, and ritual cleansings, he, he could walk in there and be found not to be, uh, holy enough, in which case he would fall down dead. Well, no one could go in to get him because anyone who entered to holy of Holies, who hadn't gone through all the right things could live through it. And also who wasn't the high priest. So they tied that over on his leg. So if he died, they could pull him out of there. Yep, Speaker 2 00:14:35 Exactly. Speaker 1 00:14:36 Yeah. So, I mean, so Jesus, Jesus comes along now he's priest and sacrifice and he's so he's perfect in two, I mean, he's perfect, which is, there's only one way to be perfect, but he's perfect in two different offices. Speaker 2 00:14:48 Yep, exactly, exactly. Yeah. And that is a point of, uh, Hebrews, you know, the priest was not perfect. The sacrifices were not perfect. And the law was only a shadow of good things to come. And after the real thing has come, why are you hanging onto the law? Right. That was a main point. And he goes into a great depth in explaining that what law, Jesus Christ did is better than the law to fully convince them that law, Jesus Christ, the new covenant is better than the old covenant so that, you know, they can actually, you know, stop going back to the old covenant and fully embrace the work of our law. Jesus Christ. Speaker 1 00:15:31 It's kind of the copier principle. It's the, the idea that my I'm much better than my shadow. If you put something on a copy machine and make a copy of it, pull that copy out and make a copy of it, pull that copy out and make a copy of it and keep going. That is going to degrade over time. It's not anywhere near as good as the original or the real thing. Speaker 2 00:15:51 That's exactly right. And the foolishness is if you have the original, you are like, okay, you are saying that for some reason, copy is better than the original. And then you are actually hanging onto a copy and ignoring the original. Speaker 1 00:16:06 But we had two different parts of this, the priest and the sacrifice. So if it's a foreshadowing, certain kind of rules have to be followed. So we still need a high priest and we still need a sacrifice. Right. Those two things still have to exist. Speaker 2 00:16:21 Yeah. In fact, um, you know, like we said, you know, this is only pointing to the work of Lord Jesus Christ. So for humanity, for our sin to be removed, right, it cannot be removed by anything. We do. Our blood is not enough because our blood is sinful blood. Our works are not enough because our works cannot remove, uh, our sins. So even in, um, in the natural, right, no matter once we commit a crime, no matter how much we do later, the crime remains the crime. Whatever we do does not erase what we did. So the, the blood, I mean, entire throughout eternity, the only thing that had that has the ability to erase our sense is a blood of our law is Christ. Speaker 1 00:17:11 That's why they call, uh, when you get busted in America and you go to, you know, court and you get found guilty, they say, now you get to go pay for your crimes. Yeah. You're not erasing them. You're not getting rid of them. You're not, you're not being, uh, yeah. You know, pardoned you're you are just pay, you're paying the price for what you did, but it's never gonna take away what you did. Speaker 2 00:17:32 Yeah. Yeah. I think that is a common misconception, right? Some people think what Christ did is all about, uh, paying it's a payment and it is about, uh, pardon, but what largest Christ did is much more than that. He arranged our sin that only the blood can do without the shedding of the blood. There is no remission in the, I mean, sometimes, you know, we think forgiveness as pardon, but in the actual language, it's actually remission, which means sending away so larger scratch basically erases our sin and only the blood has it power. So no matter what we do after sinning, even I might die for my sins. Right. I might shed my own blood, whether it's not enough that cannot erase my sins. The only thing that has a power to erase our sin is a blood of lot is Christ. Speaker 1 00:18:22 There's another difference in the old Testament versus the new covenant. And that is when the human high priest made sacrifices of animals and neither one of them being perfect. It only had, it was only good for so much. It was only good for what you had done to that point. Then you had to go out again and try and not do all the things you knew you weren't supposed to do and do all the things you knew you were supposed to do, what you couldn't do. And you'd end up right back in the same place a year later paying for or whatever time, amount of time went between sacrifices paying for those things you did again. Speaker 2 00:18:58 Yeah. And not only it is only good temporarily, but also in the whole Testament. The blood only covered since basically it's holding off on the rat of God. It did not remove our sin, or it did not remove the UMRA of God upon us. It's simply covering our sins. In other words, buying time until the real sacrifice, that's all they did for us and buying time for entire humanity. Because in Roman, it says, you know, in his forbearance, in his forbearance, God did not punish us because he knew that he was going to send a perfect sacrifice that is going to remove and erase our sin from existence. Speaker 1 00:19:40 That's a good, that's a good differentiation there. The, the fact that they were covered versus the fact that they were removed. Speaker 2 00:19:49 Yes, yes, exactly. You know, Bible clearly says, you know, take away since it doesn't never in the old Testament, it is used that word. But as soon as Lord Jesus Christ is introduced, he's introduced as behold, the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world in the old common sacrifice, never it is attributed to them. In fact, the word atonement that we used is the meaning of it is covering. It's not taking away, but sometimes, you know, we say, you know, Jesus are toed for our sin. He did not atone for our, since he actually removed our sin and the word, the new Testament uses his prop appreciation. Prop appreciation means like a complete satisfaction to the Lord. And a propitiation also has a meaning of mercy seat. So our lodge, Jesus Christ is also mercy seat because of what Lord Jesus Christ did for us, God is able to be merciful to us. Speaker 1 00:20:45 Yeah. And you know, and further in the new covenant, he, he throws those away as far as the east is from the west. So they'll, he'll never, he chooses to remember them no more. He, uh, take, you know, he takes them away. So it it's like you said, it's not covering, it's literally the complete elimination of the fact that we had ever sin or ever will sin. Speaker 2 00:21:11 Yeah. In our humanity and in our human experience, I do not think we can fully grasp how can somebody erase what is done, right. But God hear has a power to do anything. And the blood of Jesus Christ has a power to erase our sin. And because of that, uh, the God is able to say, you know, I will remember your sin no more because Lord Jesus Christ removed them perfectly. Speaker 1 00:21:39 It's hard for humanity to understand because we don't have the mind of God. We can't do what he can do. If you hurt me, I may forgive you, but I'll never forget you hurt me. Yeah. You know, I, I can't, I can't erase my memory. God chooses to remember no more. He's not erasing his memory, but he's yeah. He's removing that idea that you ever did it. Speaker 2 00:22:04 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:22:05 So that's a, that's a tough one for humanity to grasp, but I don't always, Speaker 2 00:22:10 Yeah. I think going back to the priest just real quick, there is a beautiful passage that talks about the priesthood of Lord Jesus Christ and the beautifully links it to, you know, why we are not under the law anymore and why we cannot be under the law. So in Hebrew seven was starting from verse 11. It says. Now, if perfection was through the Levitical priesthood for on the basis of, of it, the people received the law. What further need was there for another priest to arise? According to the order of Milky said, I cannot occur and not be designated. According to the order of Aaron for when the priesthood is changed of necessity, there takes place a change of law. Also for the one coming concerning whom these things are spoken, belongs to another tribe from whom no one has officiated at the altar for it is evident that our Lord was descended from Judah, a tribe with reference to which Moses spoke nothing concerning priests. Speaker 2 00:23:12 And it is clearer still. If another PRI priest arises according to the likeness of Malco acidic, who has become such not on the basis of the law of physical requirement, but according to the power of constructible life. So here, I think the beautiful logic he's using is, you know, if the Levitical priest should wear enough, then why should another priest come and not after the order of milk after the order of Levi, but after the order of milk said, and then he goes on to say, okay, that priest is not enough. And we need to introduce a new priest. Then we have to change the law. Also, the reason for that is under the law law allows only levied to be priests and it cannot allow someone else to be a priest, but our largest Christ is from the tribe of Judah. So if you go back under the law, our largest Christ will, will be disqualified as a priest, but the Levi tickle priest is no good. Speaker 2 00:24:15 So we need another priest. The one that is after the art of mal, not after the art of Levi and because we need another priest and this priest is not of the tribe of Levi law cannot accept him as a priest. So the only choice we have here is we are to get rid of the law that says that a Levi has to be priested. So I think this is very beautiful to me, right? You know, many of us as Christians, we are running back to the law. We are running back to 10 commandments. And we are saying though, okay, you know, God bless me based on my law keeping, but they're not realizing that, you know, Christians, right. Who acknowledge Jesus Christ as a savior who acknowledge that they are saved based on the cross of our law. Jesus Christ. If they're turning back to the law, basically they're rejecting Jesus as are high priested. So for me, this is a most powerful argument against going back under the law. Because if you go back under the law, Jesus cannot be a high priest. This is so beautiful to me. Speaker 1 00:25:15 It is, it is very beautiful. And it's a good foreshadowing of grace. Speaker 2 00:25:19 Yeah. So we said, you know, law, Jesus Christ, he's the priest. And he's a sacrifice. And by virtue of him being the priest, you know, the law was remove, that is one way the law was removed. And, uh, the second way, you know, the law was completely removed is when Jesus Christ, um, offered himself as a sacrifice for our sin, he paid for our sins. And the Bible says, you know, he redeemed us from the law. So all of humanity is under the law. And we were under the punishment of the law and the wages of sin death. So basically we deserve death. So law, Jesus Christ through his death, the Bible says in Rome, in actually in Hebrew chapter nine, it says, um, in chapter nine, verse 15, for this reason, he's a mediator of a new covenant. So that since the death has taken place for the redemption of transcriptions that were committed under the Fosh covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance. Speaker 2 00:26:23 So with this perfect sacrifice, he basically paid for our since. And he redeemed us from the transgressions that were committed under the whole Testament. So what Roger Christ did with his priesthood and with his perfect offering is he basically redeemed us from the law and, and he established a new covenant. So the Bible says that, you know, the old covenant now that the new covenant has come, the old covenant has, um, become obsolete. So again, to summarize, I think we said largest Christ is a priest, and he's a perfect sacrifice. And what did his sacrifice accomplished? He redeemed us from the old covenant and he established the new covenant or the, he has removed us from the old covenant of works. And he established the new covenant of grace. And we talked about it before. Also, I think it'll be good to understand, you know, what the new covenant is all about in Hebrew chapter eight, verse seven says for if the first covenant has been faultless again, I think it is, there is something wrong with the priest. Speaker 2 00:27:29 There is something wrong with the sacrifice and there's something wrong with the covenant itself. So it, it was, it was basically useless for us. So that's what it's saying for in Hebrew chapter eight and verse seven for the first covenant had been faultless. There would have been no occasion sought for the second for finding fault with them. He says, behold, the days sir coming says the Lord, when I affect a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not, this is not like the covenant which I made with their fathers. One on the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt for, they did not continue in my covenant. I did not care for them, says the Lord for this is a covenant that I'll make with the house of Israel after those days says the Lord. Speaker 2 00:28:16 So this is what the new covenant entails. I'll put my laws into their minds and they'll write them on their hearts and I'll be there. God. And they will be my people and they shall not teach everyone his fellow citizen. And everyone, his brother saying know the Lord for all will know me from the leash to the greatest of them for I'll be merciful to their inequities. And I will remember this since no more. So the main clause of the new covenant is, uh, verse 12 because he will merciful to our inequities. And because he will remember our sin no more, all the other things are possible because unless our sins are removed, God really cannot come and put his loss in our mind and write them on our hearts. He cannot give us a new heart and they cannot give us a new spirit because if we are still under the sins under our sins, and if we are still under the law, we deserve death. So unless our sins are removed, unless we are redeemed from the law, we cannot receive the benefits of the new covenant. So the main clause of the new covenant is God is merciful to our inequities and he will remember our sin no more. Speaker 1 00:29:29 And to expound on that just a little bit, I, I say, I think that, uh, the forgiveness is required because to give us a new, uh, to give us a new heart, to write his laws and our minds and our hearts for him to send the holy spirit to dwell on us, we have to be perfect. We have to be sin free, guilt free. And the only way we can do that is through the salvation and the new covenant and being washed, clean, being made righteous. Then the holy spirit can come and live as us live in us, give us a new nature, give us a new heart, give us a new mind, all those things that it, and we've talked about this before. It's kind of a, an order thing. The, the forgiveness has to come before the spirit can come. Speaker 2 00:30:12 Exactly exactly. So now we are under the new covenant because of the finished work of Rogers Christ, but the new covenant is not something only difference between the old covenant and the new covenant is because of what Adam did by the virtue of what Adam didn't, because we are born into sin and not only by Adam sin, but also our own sins. We are automatically under the condemnation of God and, uh, under the condemnation of the law and the punishment of the law, but in the new covenant, the way we enter from the old covenant to the new covenant is by simply saying as to what law Jesus did. So just because law, Jesus Christ died, everybody does not automatically go into the new covenant. So there is a part from our side, there's an acceptance that we need to, uh, accept. And that's what Bible calls us faith, right? When we see the work of Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf, and when we accept it or simply believe that Lord Jesus Christ died for me. And he rose again for my, uh, uh, to make me righteous. That's funny, you know, we go from, uh, the old covenant to the new covenant and it is a one way street. Once we go from the old to the new, there's no turning back. Speaker 1 00:31:35 So the old covenant is really still active for those who don't accept Jesus Christ. So when we get, so when we die, the Christian will go to heaven to what was supposed to be judgment and be told, no, there is no judgment for you. You're righteous with me, you know, you're you go to heaven, but the person who does not accept it, God says, well, you didn't accept the free pass. So now we've got a way your sins and your, yeah. I mean, for lack of a better term, weigh your sins in good deeds and see how you come out. And we all know that without Jesus, we're gonna fail that test. Speaker 2 00:32:11 Yeah, that's exactly right, Tim. I think, you know, there is this, uh, uh, some people call Universalists. They say that, you know, Christ work on the cross automatically applies to all humanity. And they're basically saying that, you know, everybody will go to heaven. Um, I personally do not believe in that because Bible is clear about it, right? So through one, man, Adam sin came upon everybody, but through the obedience of a Lord, Jesus Christ, the gift of righteousness, he came upon everybody. But it all depends on, you know, when I give you a gift, if you don't accept it, it can never be yours. So it's not that, um, you know, God is getting angry that, uh, they did not accept Jesus. And then he is like, you know, uh, punishing them later, but it's like, people will get what they want. So they are basically saying whoever is going to be judged later. They're basically saying, I do not want your grace. I do not want the free gift of righteousness. Judge me based on my righteousness. You know, I'm good enough. And I will prove on the day of judgment that my, my works are good enough to get me into heaven. I really don't need this whole idea of blood and someone else dying for me. So for those people, they will be ly judged by the law and what are the losses they will get. They will get Speaker 1 00:33:37 Spoiler alert. You're according to the new Testament, it says your righteousness is like filthy rags and we've, we have associated that to another term of dirty diapers. <laugh> so, um, spoiler alert, you're you're not gonna get there on your own, you know, AJ, I don't, uh, this has been a good beginning, uh, introduction to Hebrews. I don't want to cut us short. However, the clock keeps ticking and I think, uh, I'd like to give you an opportunity to add any last, uh, things you wanna say to this episode before I close us out. Speaker 2 00:34:11 Yeah. So I just want to summarize, uh, Jesus is a perfect high priest, offered himself as a perfect sacrifice to remove our sin perfectly once and for all. And he's also a mediator of a new covenant between us and God. He established a new covenant with his own blood in establishing the new covenant. He made the old obsolete. We are no longer under the old, but under the new, which says he remembers our sin no more where there is forgiveness of sin. There is no longer any offering needed and the, even the offerings of our confessions or penance and punishing ourselves for us, since they're not needed, we simply believe and receive the one offering of our Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf. And then we are saved forever. Speaker 1 00:35:00 Great news. It's a lot less work. It's a lot less stress it's, uh, it's, his burden is easy. His yoke is light. Uh, and I much rather have the free pass when I'm done at the end of this life and be able to go into heaven and be with God, you know, with God and the rest of my life. And, uh, you know, the rest of my life, the rest of forever. <laugh> so, Hey, Speaker 2 00:35:23 Amen. Speaker 1 00:35:24 So that's gonna be it for us for today. Uh, I'm going to say, uh, here's another foreshadowing for you since we titled this, an introduction to Hebrews sometime in the future, we're probably gonna delve into it more. So be, uh, be on the lookout for that. We're looking forward to probably having mark back next episode, where we'll pick up the series that we were in the middle of before everybody had all of this external travel they had to do so. Anyway, thank you very much for listening. We encourage you. If you enjoyed this episode to share it with your friends to subscribe, and if you have any comments, please feel free to email us until the next time we would like to thank you for listening to the unveiling. We hope you have enjoyed it enough to consider subscribing and sharing with others. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. You can reach us via [email protected] or find our Facebook page at the unveiling podcast for AJ, mark and myself. God bless. And we will talk with you next time.

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