Episode 24

May 01, 2022


Episode 24 - The Holy Spirit - Pt 4

Episode 24 - The Holy Spirit - Pt 4
The Unveiling Podcast
Episode 24 - The Holy Spirit - Pt 4

May 01 2022 | 00:37:52


Show Notes

Conitnued discussion of the work, ministry, and role of the Holy Spirit

1. Discloses the Parent/child relationship we have with God/Jesus

2. The Holy Spirit as our Intercessor





Tim    00:00:07    Hello, and welcome to the unveiling with your hosts, IJ, Mark, and Tim three guys discussing the one true gospel. We hope you enjoy today's discussion. Let's dive right in. Hello and welcome. Or welcome back to the unveiling with your hosts. Hij Mark and Tim three guys just discussing the one true gospel. Well, we are still in the middle of our holy spirit series. This will be the fourth episode in this series, and we've got a couple new topics to bring up tonight. And I think I'm gonna go ahead and Mark, I think I'm gonna let you start off tonight with the holy spirit introduces us to, or teaches us about the parent child relationship that we have once we're saved with our heavenly father. 

Mark    00:00:55    Yeah, I think that's, uh, thanks, Tim and AJAI Uh, I think that's such an important role of his and our life this year. I've had a theme in my life. Some of you probably know that just from listening to the podcast, those who have, and just how important the gift that God gave us of reasoning of being able to think I've mentioned it many times. And as you're reading scripture, if you just watch, watch how many words that the apostles use, uh, that are words for thinking reasoning, pondering, reflecting on meditating, uh, contemplating as we use that gift, it brings us understanding. And through that understanding is where our transformation comes. It's where joy comes from and our deep knowledge of the father, our son, and holy spirit. Um, it's where love comes from. It's just, it's just such a revolutionary thing to understand. In fact, God's given us his spirit for that reason. 

Mark    00:01:54    He tells us, uh, so that we would freely understand everything he's given us. And one of the things he wants us to and are all the things Christ has done for us on the cross. It's a lack of knowledge of these that I think really differentiates believers. It's why the people that are still trying to live under the law are afraid to trust in the grace and love of God alone and rely on Christ completely it's cuz they don't understand as AJ's put it. Everything that happens to us at the moment of our salvation. It's not that we're saved to neutral and God just took our sins away. It's he's made us new creations. Christ himself has come to inhabit. He's made us the righteousness of God. He's taken us out from under that old system of doing it ourselves of trying harder and just putting our focus on Christ, contemplating him and being transformed into his image with ever increasing glory as our understanding of who he is and who we are a good pastor, a friend of mine once said this. 

Mark    00:03:08    He said it's of utmost important that every believer understands their identity in Christ, but he said, it's just as equally important. They understand who Christ is in them. And, and so we're gonna start the discussion now on just the holy Spirit's role of teaching us, you know, and you I'm gonna start with who we were before we come, came to Christ and then just show the high state to which Christ is he's purchased for us. And he's called us too. And he calls us now, this is what God calls us. And we need to choose to believe who God thinks we are not who we think we are, who our broken past, tell us we are who other, maybe well-meaning Christians tell us we are, but what does God say about us and is spirits the wanna reveals that? And one, one of the key things, well, I'll just say before we came to Christ, we were slaves. 

Mark    00:04:08    Scripture tells us over and over again that we are slaves. We are held under the law and we are slaves to sin as well. Because when you are under law slave, you are under the dominion of sin. Uh, sin makes you a slave and uh, once you come to Christ, you are no longer a slave. I wanna give you a couple scriptures here and guys, please feel free to chime in with any questions here. As I go along. He, uh, depost Paul tells us in Galatians three, that before we came to faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So right there we're locked up. We were in captivity. We were prisoners, uh, to the law and we were slaves to it. The relations force says when the set that time had fully come, God sent his son born of a woman, born under the law to redeem those under the law that we might receive adoption to sonship because you are his sons. 

Mark    00:05:16    God sent the spirit of his son into our hearts, the spirit who calls out ABA father. So you are no longer a slave, but God's child. And since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. This is like my key verse here that I love because it mentions our progression that we've come from being a slave. Now we're no longer a slave, but we're God's child, sons and daughters. And more than sons and daughters, we are sons and daughters who inherit. We are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. And what, what a, uh, what a journey that is from becoming a slave to becoming an heir of God. And, and that's in, he's telling us here that it's the spirit that cries out in his daddy, father. ABA means daddy, we don't just have a relationship as a child or, you know, as an adopted son, he's our daddy. We hear his beloved children and his heirs and all that he has is ours. And what, what a wonderful thing. Hey, 

Tim    00:06:26    I just wanted to mention here part that I find fascinating is he's very clear about defining. We are heirs, but not just heirs, but co-heirs with Christ. And now that may not seem important to some people, but in, uh, Jewish law, it is the eldest son who gets the largest inheritance normally. But we are COER with Christ. No one gets the largest part of the inheritance anymore. We are all sharing the one inheritance at the same level that Jesus himself is. And that is, yeah, I'm not a second class. You know, Christian after Jesus, I'm, I'm right up there with him. And that's, if you just contemplate on that for a while, it'll blow your mind. 

Mark    00:07:07    Oh yeah, that's awesome, Tim. And it begs the question that if we are co-heirs with Christ, what did Christ inherit that we've become co-heirs? Well, first of all, he was resurrected resurrection power and eternal life as ours. Now he is the righteousness of God. He perfectly fulfilled the law on our behalf, which means all the blessings of the old covenant law that are listed in the old Testament are now ours. A with all the blessings of the new covenant and, and what I love, one of my favorite scriptures is no matter how many promises God has made, they are all yes in Christ. So we inherited through Christ in Christ, every promise God has ever made in S so find one it's yours in Christ. 

Ajai    00:08:04    Yeah. Tim and I, while you're saying that in, I just reminded of the scripture in John, it says as he is, so are we even in this world? So as Christ is, so are we, so whatever he is, we are, and whatever he has is ours. so it's amazing. 

Tim    00:08:22    Hey man. Amen. 

Mark    00:08:24    And I wanted to touch on that. We are, so we know we're no longer slaves now because of Christ. Uh, we are heirs with him, uh, but we're also no longer servants. Servant is a word that's used a lot in scripture. And I wanted to read a couple versus here. And, uh, one first one is Jesus himself. Soon before he went to the cross, he turned his, his disciples and said, I no longer call you servants because the servant does not know his master's business before Christ came. I believe the Jewish people would've said they were servants of God, everything they were doing. They're trying to do for God as though they were serving their master. In fact, his own disciples called Jesus master. And he's saying to them, I no long longer call you servants. And then I also wanna read here what the apostle Paul said in act 17. 

Mark    00:09:20    He said, the God who made the world in everything in it, in it is the Lord of heaven and earth, and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands as if he needed anything, right. He himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. And what a great point that is, how can we serve God? What does he need that you have? You know, does he need your money? Does he need you to read the Bible more? Does he need you to whatever, fill in the blank. He doesn't eat any of that. But one of the things I love that God said is even though he doesn't need something, uh, first of all, make the point that if we serve God and a lot of wellbeing, people in churches say, Hey, you know, come and serve God. 

Mark    00:10:10    You know, we're serving God, that's just a term. But, uh, just to realize that we serve not as a servant, but as a child serves as parents, when your son five year old son helps you by cleaning up the family room, he's serving as a child, a beloved child. He's not servant serving as your servant. And you're over him with a, with ARA, you better clean that up better. You know? So that's one point I wanna make it. Secondly, God says to us that whatever you've done for the least of these you've done for us, because of his great love for human beings, the only way we can serve God is by serving each other by loving those. And I gotta tell you as a father and my life. So, and I, I was thinking about this day, nothing blesses my heart more than the way my daughter and son love each other. And when they were little kids and I saw them sharing with each other and helping each other and company each other, when they cried, there's nothing that blesses my heart more than that. And I gotta believe it's the same thing for God when he sees us loving each other and sharing with each other. And that's the only way we can serve him is because of his great love for us. 

Ajai    00:11:25    Yeah. In fact, Mark, I was also going to say, say the same thing right now. The only way we can serve God is by serving others because Jesus is not physically here in the bodily form, right? It's not that, you know, we are going and serving him directly. Neither. We are going and offering sacrifices, animal sacrifices that we are directly to God and not to humans. So in the present world and in the present state, the only way we can serve God is by serving others. And again, like you mentioned, the relationship is not a master servant relationship. It's not that, you know, when we are serving others, they are our slave masters or they are our, uh, employer. And we are serving them for money. It's not that we are not serving for wages. The way we are serving is as a brothers or eh, another brother, right. 

Ajai    00:12:12    Of Christ. And for, uh, those who are not born again yet, or not believers yet, right. We still serve them as if God is serving them right. To basically not bring them to the Lord. Jesus Christ. So again, this whole idea of serving it, not a serving as a, as a slave or services master for wages. So in fact, you know, if you go back to the law, people bring the same mindset, right? Under the law that serves you do something and you get paid for that. So that is a mentality. They take, I do something for God and then he is going to intern, bless me. So that is a kind of servant mindset under the law, but under grace even. And if we call ourselves servants, you know, the mindset or the act that we are doing is not a act of a servant where we are serving for, uh, wages. We are serving out of love for the benefit of the people that we are serving, not for our own benefit. 

Mark    00:13:10    And, uh, just to finish up this thought on us not being serving anymore. Most of us know the story of the prodigal son, but basically a son asks his father for his inheritance. He takes it and he goes out and, and while living squanders, it all starts to starve. And he decides that he's gonna go back to his father, but that he's no longer worthy to be his, his father's son. And he is gonna go back and offer himself as a servant. And he says, so here's what he says. When he comes to his dad, he says, I am no longer worthy to be called your son. He says, I have sinned against heaven. And against you make me like one of your hired servants. So he got up and went to his father. So this is a sin problem here. He said, he's acknowledging, I'm a sinner. 

Mark    00:14:03    I'm not worthy to be a son or a child. And I think many Christians have some of those feelings about the things they've done in their past, you know? And so anyway, he sets off to go to see his dad and ad saw him coming from far away. And it said he was filled with compassion for him. He ran to him, threw his arms around him and kissed him. And he starts to give his little deal. Her father I've sinned against heaven and against you, I'm no longer worthy to be call to be called your son. The father will have none of it. He says quick, bring the Rob and put it on him, put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet, bring the fat and cap and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate for this son of mine was dead and is alive. Again. He was lost and is found. So just the key point here is God's not looking for servants. The things you've done in your past do not qualify, disqualify you from becoming his son or daughter and his, he, we are no longer servants. We are no longer slaves. 

Ajai    00:15:07    Yeah. If I can just, um, read one scripture, Mark, you already kind of, uh, quoted the scripture, but I just wanted to read this, you know, maybe to tie everything together that we spoke is in Romans chapter eight and from verse 14, for as many as are led by the spirit of God. These are the sons of God for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry Abba father. So like you mentioned, right. You know, going from slaves and servants to not only just being free men, but actually the free children of God. Now we've become the sons, a and daughters of God. And we cry up of father. 

Tim    00:15:54    How wonderful is it that, that the Bible has stories and, and, uh, pictures throughout it, of the parent-child relationship? I honestly believe it is the closest thing we can come to on earth in our physical bodies to understanding the relationship that God has with us. Cuz I don't know, you know, I love my wife and I love my kids, you know? And he uses the, the bride and groom, uh, analogy as well as the parent child. Those are the closest relationships we have and yet they pale in comparison. God says, Hey, if you being good, parents can, you know, being earthly. Parents can give guys gifts. How much more can the heavenly father. So that should just help set up. You think, you know what it is, but there's more, 

Mark    00:16:41    That's good. I love John. Uh, first John one three says, see what great love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are. I love how he throws that last one in there just to be very clear and uh, also wanted to read, okay, in John one 11, it says he came to that, which was his own meaning Israel, but his own did not receive him yet to all who did receive him to those who believed in his name. He gave the right to become children of God. I love the way he puts it there. If you've believed in Christ and received him, he's given you the right to become a child of God. Nobody can take that away from you cuz he's the only one that can give it to you. One of the, of things I love that AJAIhas said in the past is that under the law, we're never gonna be any more at best. 

Mark    00:17:43    We're gonna be a servant or a slave, but under grace and in Christ, the least we're ever gonna be is a child in an heir of God. That's such a great way of putting it. So then there's a key here. I think that we're learning and that is to correctly dividing the word of truth, knowing old covenant new covenant. Because when we put ourselves back under the law, we're putting ourselves back into slavery and servanthood. When we remain, uh, under grace through our faith, in what Christ did on the cross, on the cross, we are children of God, sons and daughters, heirs of God. And co-heirs with Christ. And man, that is such a difference in that outlook of your life. Yeah. When you walk around as a slave and a servant, that's gonna affect the way you feel about everybody else, everything you do about yourself. When you walk around as a child of God, and that reminds me of something, you said AJ, about why it's so important to know our identity, especially to know that we are the righteousness of God. 

Ajai    00:18:53    Mark can, if I can quickly pitch in, uh, when you said, you know, when we go back under the law, you know, we again become servants. The analogy that came to my mind is, you know, imagine our children, you know, one find day they come to us and say, you know, daddy, I don't want to be a son anymore, but you know, I want to work for you. Just forget about the father, child relationship from now on I'll work for you and you pay me money. That's all is our relationship. Imagine how it'll be. You know, that's how it is going back. Another law after being saved and becoming the children of God. 

Tim    00:19:30    Good point. Good point Mark. Excellent one. And I don't mean to, I'm not gonna challenge how great your point was there, but I'm gonna move us along to the next one. And I want to talk about the holy spirit being our intercessor, uh, intercessor is, uh, one of those Christian words, more or less, I'm going quickly define it. And intercessor is basically somebody who prays for somebody else or some other situations, you know, that doesn't affect them. So they're praying for a need or a person or something like that. But in Romans 8 26 and 27, it says, likewise, the spirit who also helps in our weakness for, we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the spirit makes intercession for us with groanings, which cannot be uttered. Now he who searches the heart knows what the mind of the spirit is because he makes intercession for saints according to the will of God. 

Tim    00:20:35    And what we should see at the beginning of that is that the text does not say that the spirit helps us pray, but rather that the spirit makes intercession for us. He prays next to us. It's, we're two separate entities and that's gonna be important because it, I think it'll help us understand what the spirit is doing and why. Uh, he prays so that when our prayers are deficient because of the struggles going through, uh, or the, the information that we don't have falls short of what it needs to be, he knows what we're praying for. And he knows how to fill that in. He talks to God directly and, and helps fill in our prayers if you would prefer to say it that way. So for here's an example, there's something quite inadequate about the intercession of others. For us, somebody will say, I'll pray for you. 

Tim    00:21:33    And we think, well, you can do that, but you really don't understand my need. There is a sense in which the fellow believer can never know what we experience and what we're going through. And in that situation, it is a great comfort for us to know that we have a heavenly intercessor, Jesus Christ, our savior, who knows all things, who he himself went through all of our pains and sufferings and he rules over all things for our good, beyond these verses in Romans eight, Paul goes on to talk about the intercession of Jesus. And now Romans 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, but that is the knowledge of faith, right? We believe it. We know it by faith, but we can't always see it. We do not see God's purposes. And so we do not always know what to pray. 

Tim    00:22:26    I can't tell always if you know what God wants out of a situation. So I will, I will end up praying in my, my own weakness, Lord, your will be done. But the spirit takes that and goes, okay, okay. He's saying, here's what, you know, here's what you wanna do here. It is, go do it. And you know, so what does exactly the spirit say to God to tell X says that he makes his intercessions with groanings and which cannot be uttered. Do you know what that means? It means that the spirits, prayer in our behalf are so deep and profound and comprehensive that they cannot be put into human world. And it's beyond the realm of our mental capacity to comprehend what the spirit praise for us. So when the spirit makes intercession for us, this is God commuting with God, you know, call it God talk, right? 

Tim    00:23:21    Yeah. I suppose it's something like parent talk, you know, and I had, I had four kids and there were sometimes a husband and wife who me and my wife will confer with one another about something in the life of our, our child. And we prefer that the child not hear it, or sometimes we do it in parent talk parent code so that they wouldn't understand it. It would make cuz it wouldn't make sense to them. We have their best interest at heart, but we sometimes have to confer and talk it through and figure it out. And it doesn't that burden doesn't need to be on the child where the parents we're gonna help the guide them through whatever it is. And uh, I think that's a, a really good example of, you know, how the spirit and the, and the father speak. 

Mark    00:24:11    I think that's a, an important point you pointed out there, Tim. And it's the fact that the one who's asking on your behalf is the one who's also going to act on your behalf because intercession is, is more than asking to intercede in something means you move into the middle of it. You know that that's, that's the definition of the word. And the very fact that the one is asking is the one who has the power to move in the middle of whatever your situation is and act even when you don't know what the right thing to do is man. Now that's one of those things that it really is good to be an he of Christ on isn't it? 

Ajai    00:24:53    Yeah. So Tim, like you said, it's such a comforting thing, right? So sometimes we don't even know what to pray. And sometimes we may feel like my, I don't even know if my prayers are working, but you know, it is like you pointed out not only the holy spirit is intering for us, but also Christ himself. He's intering for us at the right hand of God. So it's such a comforting thing, right? So our part is to just rushed in the fact that law is taking care of everything. He has our back twice, right? The holy spirit has our back and Christ has our back. So even if you're not able to pray, even if you feel like, uh, a mess, sometimes, you know, we get so stressed out. We don't know what to think. And our heart is sometimes full of sorrow. We don't know what to pray, but you know, we can still rush in the knowledge that the spirit of God is ING for us and the Christ and Christ himself he's ING for us, it's such a comforting thing. And like you said, he's, he knows what God's will is. And also he knows what we want, what we really need. So we can also rest in the fact that, you know, no matter what happens, God is doing the best for us. 

Tim    00:26:08    Yep. And just to back that up with the verse, Romans 8 34 says, so who is to condemn, uh, Christ. Jesus is the one who died more than that, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us constantly. 

Mark    00:26:25    This really plays into the fact that it's really important. We understand that child relationship cuz the servant and the slave, how confident are they that their master or their, their slave owner is going to have their best, uh, best needs in heart, you know, and, and, and gonna answer their prayer, but a child, you know, and Jesus taught on that all the time. If you are able to give good gifts to your children, how much more is your heavenly father? If you think you're a servant or a slave, you're not gonna trust the intercession be because you're gonna feel like it's a, a, a master praying for you instead of your, your father or a COER. 

Ajai    00:27:12    If you look at the context, right. You know what happens as the spirit intersects for us? And what is our part in this whole thing, if right after the verse in Romans 27, where it talks about spirit interfering for us in Romans 28, it says the following verse. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and who are called account to his purpose. Again, it's talking about the people who are actually called by the gospel and justified. If you read the whole, uh, context, it's not talking about, if you allow God, all things will work for good for your good. Some people interpret like that, but here they're, the verse is simply pointing out that we are those who are, who love God. The justified are the ones that love God. So just a statement of fact that it is referring to the people who are justified by faith in Christ. 

Ajai    00:28:04    So in other, uh, the other way to say it is, you know, all things work together for good, who are called by the gospel and who believed on large Jesus Christ and who are justified and who are glorified. But the point I was trying to make is as the spirit inter sits for us, we can rest assure that all things will work together for our good. And again, if you look at verse 33 and 34, again, the context is what, who shall bring a charge against God elect. It is God who justifies, who is he, who condemns it is Christ to died. And furthermore is risen, who is at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us again, here for us. We simply need to rush in the fact that if you look at verse 30 to, it says he who did not spare his son, but delivered him for us all, how shall he not with him? Also give us freely, give us all things. So our parties to simply understand that, you know, allowed me so much, he did not spare his son. How can he not give us freely all things? And then we need to rush to the fact that there is no charge against me because it's God who justifies, who can bring a charge against me. And it is Christ to died. Who can condemn me when we are rushing in this, right? Intercessions is going on on our behalf and all things will work together for our good, 

Tim    00:29:32    Excellent point. Excellent point. I wanna just hit one more verse. I got several and there's plenty out there, uh, to talk about the, the spirit interceding for us, but in Philippians one 19, Paul is writing, uh, for, I know that through your prayers and the help of the spirit of Jesus Christ, this will turn out for my deliverance. So he's, he's saying I, I y'all are praying for me, but also Jesus in the holy spirit are praying for me. So I know this will turn out well, you know, the outcome of those verses, you were just talking about AJAI 

Mark    00:30:08    And, and if I could comment on something AJAIjust said, and I've I've, this is one of my favorite truths. And it's that if God gave us his best Christ while we were at our worst dead and sin and transgression enemies of the cross without God, and without hope if he gave us his best, while we're at our worst, now that he's made us children in heirs, as Aja said, from that scripture, how will he not also along with Christ, give us all things. That's such an awesome truth. What kinda love is that? You know, just beyond beautiful. 

Tim    00:30:48    All right guys, I know we had, uh, great ideas of being able to move forward on other topics tonight, but you know, me clock guy. So I'm gonna say we can wrap up just a little bit early tonight, but I'd like to give each of you, uh, chance to talk about, uh, you know, give final comments on anything that we've talked about tonight. We'll go ahead and do that in reverse alphabetical order Mark. So that will put you first. 

Mark    00:31:15    Awesome. uh, yeah. I just wanna say, just for people to really think about and receive, understand, and receive who they are in Christ, who God has made you in Christ, that he took you from being a slave to the law and sin, to having a servant master mentality, to make you a son and a daughter of God, himself, children of God. And as John said, that is what we are. We've been given the right to be called children of God and more than children. The apostle Paul said, I'm just gonna finish up by reading the end of Galatians four here, cuz I think he just said it so perfectly. He said because you are his sons, God, the spirit of his son into our hearts, the spirit who calls out Abba father, sir, you are no longer a slave, but God's child. And since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. 

Tim    00:32:18    Thank you Mark. AJAI How about you? Any final thought? 

Ajai    00:32:22    I think a while back we said, you know, now that we are saved, how then shall we live? So the new covenant life primarily consists in this understanding and knowing, and seeing and acting like the children of God. That's our new identity. I am the child of the most high guard, right? The one who made heaven and earth. If God can make heaven and earth, if God can turn, um, you know, a two loafs of bread and into thousands and feet, thousands of people, you know, I am the child of the most high God. So we need to change our, uh, thinking and our perspective and how we see ourselves and not only how we see ourselves, but also how we see other believers. You are no less a child of God than me. So understanding that we are the children of God and seeing others also as the children of God is important in Romans in, in second Corin chapter five, Paul says, if any man being Christ, she's a new, new creation. And after saying that, he says, you know, from hence forth, we regard no man, according to the flesh. So we see each other in the spirit and seeing each other in the spirit also involves seeing each other as a children of God. So that is our, uh, primary mode of, um, operation in the new covenant, seeing ourselves as a children of God. 

Mark    00:33:48    That's perfect. And just one final thought on that. We're never going to see ourselves as a child in he of God, as long as we keep putting ourself back under the law because is under the law, as AJAIsaid, the best will ever be is a slave and a servant. The least we are under faith in by grace in, in, through faith in Christ is a child. 

Tim    00:34:14    Amen. And amen guys, this has been our 25th episode. Now I wanna do one thing that I don't don't think. I don't remember that we've done up to this point. Some people would call this an alter call, but I don't think that term really applies completely. So what I'd really just like to say is I'd like to say to any of our listeners, we've talked an awful lot over the past 25 episodes of all the benefits of being out from under the laws and in death and into the new covenant of life. And we want you to be a part of that. Someone came to Jesus once and said, so master what must I do to be saved? And he said, simply this believe I'm the one who sent me no works, no magic prayer, no formula, no, you don't have to do anything. Have decide that you accept this and believe. And from that point forward, you're in God's hands. And if someone comes along and tells you, well, now you have to do this and this and this. They're trying to put you back. They're trying to put you into a works mentality and somewhat back under the law, which is not where you want to be. You want the freedom that talked about so much of being the son or daughter of God in a co-heir with Christ. Guys. You gonna add anything to that? 

Ajai    00:35:33    Yeah, that's uh, great, Tim. I really appreciate the fact that you give the mutation. So again, I just want to say that all it needs is, you know, believing that the Lord Jesus Christ came as a human baby and then he lived for 33 years and he went to the cross for all since and he died. And it was again on the third day to give us a gift of life and receiving that gift. That's all we need to do to be saved. Nothing more than that. And once we are saved, we become the children of God. As we are talking about, then we get to live the new identity without having to again, wonder about doing our working hard for God's blessings, but simply rushing the, for that we are the children of the most high God. 

Mark    00:36:20    Yeah. I, I appreciate you giving that invitation, Tim, but I also wanted to just also read Jesus' invitation cuz he's he's the one who said, come to me all ye who are wearing and I will give you rest for your souls. He calls you. He wants you to come in, be a child of God. 

Ajai    00:36:40    Amen. 

Tim    00:36:40    Amen. A good place to stop for today. Thank you so much, guys. It's been a good night for those listening. We'd love to hear from you. Contact us, email us comments in any of, in whatever system you're using to consume these podcasts. If you're enjoying it, we would appreciate a description, a like a star, whatever your system does to show your approval. And of course share us with your friends. That'll be a it for us today. We pray breath, blessings upon all of you. Who've been listening and we'll talk to you the next time We would like to thank you for listening to the unveiling. We hope you have enjoyed it enough to consider subscribing and sharing with others. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. You can reach us via [email protected] or find our Facebook page at the unveiling podcast for IJ, Mark and myself. God bless. And we will talk with you next time.

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Tim 00:00:07 Hello, and welcome to the unveiling with your hosts, IJ, Mark, and Tim three guys discussing the one true gospel. We hope you enjoy today's discussion. Let's dive right in. Hello and welcome. Or welcome back to the unveiling with your hosts. Hij Mark and Tim three guys just discussing the one true gospel. Well, we are still in the middle of our holy spirit series. This will be the fourth episode in this series, and we've got a couple new topics to bring up tonight. And I think I'm gonna go ahead and Mark, I think I'm gonna let you start off tonight with the holy spirit introduces us to, or teaches us about the parent child relationship that we have once we're saved with our heavenly father. Mark 00:00:55 Yeah, I think that's, uh, thanks, Tim and AJAI Uh, I think that's such an important role of his and our life this year. I've had a theme in my life. Some of you probably know that just from listening to the podcast, those who have, and just how important the gift that God gave us of reasoning of being able to think I've mentioned it many times. And as you're reading scripture, if you just watch, watch how many words that the apostles use, uh, that are words for thinking reasoning, pondering, reflecting on meditating, uh, contemplating as we use that gift, it brings us understanding. And through that understanding is where our transformation comes. It's where joy comes from and our deep knowledge of the father, our son, and holy spirit. Um, it's where love comes from. It's just, it's just such a revolutionary thing to understand. In fact, God's given us his spirit for that reason. Mark 00:01:54 He tells us, uh, so that we would freely understand everything he's given us. And one of the things he wants us to and are all the things Christ has done for us on the cross. It's a lack of knowledge of these that I think really differentiates believers. It's why the people that are still trying to live under the law are afraid to trust in the grace and love of God alone and rely on Christ completely it's cuz they don't understand as AJ's put it. Everything that happens to us at the moment of our salvation. It's not that we're saved to neutral and God just took our sins away. It's he's made us new creations. Christ himself has come to inhabit. He's made us the righteousness of God. He's taken us out from under that old system of doing it ourselves of trying harder and just putting our focus on Christ, contemplating him and being transformed into his image with ever increasing glory as our understanding of who he is and who we are a good pastor, a friend of mine once said this. Mark 00:03:08 He said it's of utmost important that every believer understands their identity in Christ, but he said, it's just as equally important. They understand who Christ is in them. And, and so we're gonna start the discussion now on just the holy Spirit's role of teaching us, you know, and you I'm gonna start with who we were before we come, came to Christ and then just show the high state to which Christ is he's purchased for us. And he's called us too. And he calls us now, this is what God calls us. And we need to choose to believe who God thinks we are not who we think we are, who our broken past, tell us we are who other, maybe well-meaning Christians tell us we are, but what does God say about us and is spirits the wanna reveals that? And one, one of the key things, well, I'll just say before we came to Christ, we were slaves. Mark 00:04:08 Scripture tells us over and over again that we are slaves. We are held under the law and we are slaves to sin as well. Because when you are under law slave, you are under the dominion of sin. Uh, sin makes you a slave and uh, once you come to Christ, you are no longer a slave. I wanna give you a couple scriptures here and guys, please feel free to chime in with any questions here. As I go along. He, uh, depost Paul tells us in Galatians three, that before we came to faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So right there we're locked up. We were in captivity. We were prisoners, uh, to the law and we were slaves to it. The relations force says when the set that time had fully come, God sent his son born of a woman, born under the law to redeem those under the law that we might receive adoption to sonship because you are his sons. Mark 00:05:16 God sent the spirit of his son into our hearts, the spirit who calls out ABA father. So you are no longer a slave, but God's child. And since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. This is like my key verse here that I love because it mentions our progression that we've come from being a slave. Now we're no longer a slave, but we're God's child, sons and daughters. And more than sons and daughters, we are sons and daughters who inherit. We are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. And what, what a, uh, what a journey that is from becoming a slave to becoming an heir of God. And, and that's in, he's telling us here that it's the spirit that cries out in his daddy, father. ABA means daddy, we don't just have a relationship as a child or, you know, as an adopted son, he's our daddy. We hear his beloved children and his heirs and all that he has is ours. And what, what a wonderful thing. Hey, Tim 00:06:26 I just wanted to mention here part that I find fascinating is he's very clear about defining. We are heirs, but not just heirs, but co-heirs with Christ. And now that may not seem important to some people, but in, uh, Jewish law, it is the eldest son who gets the largest inheritance normally. But we are COER with Christ. No one gets the largest part of the inheritance anymore. We are all sharing the one inheritance at the same level that Jesus himself is. And that is, yeah, I'm not a second class. You know, Christian after Jesus, I'm, I'm right up there with him. And that's, if you just contemplate on that for a while, it'll blow your mind. Mark 00:07:07 Oh yeah, that's awesome, Tim. And it begs the question that if we are co-heirs with Christ, what did Christ inherit that we've become co-heirs? Well, first of all, he was resurrected resurrection power and eternal life as ours. Now he is the righteousness of God. He perfectly fulfilled the law on our behalf, which means all the blessings of the old covenant law that are listed in the old Testament are now ours. A with all the blessings of the new covenant and, and what I love, one of my favorite scriptures is no matter how many promises God has made, they are all yes in Christ. So we inherited through Christ in Christ, every promise God has ever made in S so find one it's yours in Christ. Ajai 00:08:04 Yeah. Tim and I, while you're saying that in, I just reminded of the scripture in John, it says as he is, so are we even in this world? So as Christ is, so are we, so whatever he is, we are, and whatever he has is ours. <affirmative> so it's amazing. Tim 00:08:22 Hey man. Amen. Mark 00:08:24 And I wanted to touch on that. We are, so we know we're no longer slaves now because of Christ. Uh, we are heirs with him, uh, but we're also no longer servants. Servant is a word that's used a lot in scripture. And I wanted to read a couple versus here. And, uh, one first one is Jesus himself. Soon before he went to the cross, he turned his, his disciples and said, I no longer call you servants because the servant does not know his master's business before Christ came. I believe the Jewish people would've said they were servants of God, everything they were doing. They're trying to do for God as though they were serving their master. In fact, his own disciples called Jesus master. And he's saying to them, I no long longer call you servants. And then I also wanna read here what the apostle Paul said in act 17. Mark 00:09:20 He said, the God who made the world in everything in it, in it is the Lord of heaven and earth, and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands as if he needed anything, right. He himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else. And what a great point that is, how can we serve God? What does he need that you have? You know, does he need your money? Does he need you to read the Bible more? Does he need you to whatever, fill in the blank. He doesn't eat any of that. But one of the things I love that God said is even though he doesn't need something, uh, first of all, make the point that if we serve God and a lot of wellbeing, people in churches say, Hey, you know, come and serve God. Mark 00:10:10 You know, we're serving God, that's just a term. But, uh, just to realize that we serve not as a servant, but as a child serves as parents, when your son five year old son helps you by cleaning up the family room, he's serving as a child, a beloved child. He's not servant serving as your servant. And you're over him with a, with ARA, you better clean that up better. You know? So that's one point I wanna make it. Secondly, God says to us that whatever you've done for the least of these you've done for us, because of his great love for human beings, the only way we can serve God is by serving each other by loving those. And I gotta tell you as a father and my life. So, and I, I was thinking about this day, nothing blesses my heart more than the way my daughter and son love each other. And when they were little kids and I saw them sharing with each other and helping each other and company each other, when they cried, there's nothing that blesses my heart more than that. And I gotta believe it's the same thing for God when he sees us loving each other and sharing with each other. And that's the only way we can serve him is because of his great love for us. Ajai 00:11:25 Yeah. In fact, Mark, I was also going to say, say the same thing right now. The only way we can serve God is by serving others because Jesus is not physically here in the bodily form, right? It's not that, you know, we are going and serving him directly. Neither. We are going and offering sacrifices, animal sacrifices that we are directly to God and not to humans. So in the present world and in the present state, the only way we can serve God is by serving others. And again, like you mentioned, the relationship is not a master servant relationship. It's not that, you know, when we are serving others, they are our slave masters or they are our, uh, employer. And we are serving them for money. It's not that we are not serving for wages. The way we are serving is as a brothers or eh, another brother, right. Ajai 00:12:12 Of Christ. And for, uh, those who are not born again yet, or not believers yet, right. We still serve them as if God is serving them right. To basically not bring them to the Lord. Jesus Christ. So again, this whole idea of serving it, not a serving as a, as a slave or services master for wages. So in fact, you know, if you go back to the law, people bring the same mindset, right? Under the law that serves you do something and you get paid for that. So that is a mentality. They take, I do something for God and then he is going to intern, bless me. So that is a kind of servant mindset under the law, but under grace even. And if we call ourselves servants, you know, the mindset or the act that we are doing is not a act of a servant where we are serving for, uh, wages. We are serving out of love for the benefit of the people that we are serving, not for our own benefit. Mark 00:13:10 And, uh, just to finish up this thought on us not being serving anymore. Most of us know the story of the prodigal son, but basically a son asks his father for his inheritance. He takes it and he goes out and, and while living squanders, it all starts to starve. And he decides that he's gonna go back to his father, but that he's no longer worthy to be his, his father's son. And he is gonna go back and offer himself as a servant. And he says, so here's what he says. When he comes to his dad, he says, I am no longer worthy to be called your son. He says, I have sinned against heaven. And against you make me like one of your hired servants. So he got up and went to his father. So this is a sin problem here. He said, he's acknowledging, I'm a sinner. Mark 00:14:03 I'm not worthy to be a son or a child. And I think many Christians have some of those feelings about the things they've done in their past, you know? And so anyway, he sets off to go to see his dad and ad saw him coming from far away. And it said he was filled with compassion for him. He ran to him, threw his arms around him and kissed him. And he starts to give his little deal. Her father I've sinned against heaven and against you, I'm no longer worthy to be call to be called your son. The father will have none of it. He says quick, bring the Rob and put it on him, put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet, bring the fat and cap and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate for this son of mine was dead and is alive. Again. He was lost and is found. So just the key point here is God's not looking for servants. The things you've done in your past do not qualify, disqualify you from becoming his son or daughter and his, he, we are no longer servants. We are no longer slaves. Ajai 00:15:07 Yeah. If I can just, um, read one scripture, Mark, you already kind of, uh, quoted the scripture, but I just wanted to read this, you know, maybe to tie everything together that we spoke is in Romans chapter eight and from verse 14, for as many as are led by the spirit of God. These are the sons of God for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry Abba father. So like you mentioned, right. You know, going from slaves and servants to not only just being free men, but actually the free children of God. Now we've become the sons, a and daughters of God. And we cry up of father. Tim 00:15:54 How wonderful is it that, that the Bible has stories and, and, uh, pictures throughout it, of the parent-child relationship? I honestly believe it is the closest thing we can come to on earth in our physical bodies to understanding the relationship that God has with us. Cuz I don't know, you know, I love my wife and I love my kids, you know? And he uses the, the bride and groom, uh, analogy as well as the parent child. Those are the closest relationships we have and yet they pale in comparison. God says, Hey, if you being good, parents can, you know, being earthly. Parents can give guys gifts. How much more can the heavenly father. So that should just help set up. You think, you know what it is, but there's more, Mark 00:16:41 That's good. I love John. Uh, first John one three says, see what great love the father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are. I love how he throws that last one in there just to be very clear and uh, also wanted to read, okay, in John one 11, it says he came to that, which was his own meaning Israel, but his own did not receive him yet to all who did receive him to those who believed in his name. He gave the right to become children of God. I love the way he puts it there. If you've believed in Christ and received him, he's given you the right to become a child of God. Nobody can take that away from you cuz he's the only one that can give it to you. One of the, of things I love that AJAIhas said in the past is that under the law, we're never gonna be any more at best. Mark 00:17:43 We're gonna be a servant or a slave, but under grace and in Christ, the least we're ever gonna be is a child in an heir of God. That's such a great way of putting it. So then there's a key here. I think that we're learning and that is to correctly dividing the word of truth, knowing old covenant new covenant. Because when we put ourselves back under the law, we're putting ourselves back into slavery and servanthood. When we remain, uh, under grace through our faith, in what Christ did on the cross, on the cross, we are children of God, sons and daughters, heirs of God. And co-heirs with Christ. And man, that is such a difference in that outlook of your life. Yeah. When you walk around as a slave and a servant, that's gonna affect the way you feel about everybody else, everything you do about yourself. When you walk around as a child of God, and that reminds me of something, you said AJ, about why it's so important to know our identity, especially to know that we are the righteousness of God. Ajai 00:18:53 Mark can, if I can quickly pitch in, uh, when you said, you know, when we go back under the law, you know, we again become servants. The analogy that came to my mind is, you know, imagine our children, you know, one find day they come to us and say, you know, daddy, I don't want to be a son anymore, but you know, I want to work for you. Just forget about the father, child relationship from now on I'll work for you and you pay me money. That's all is our relationship. Imagine how it'll be. You know, that's how it is going back. Another law after being saved and becoming the children of God. Tim 00:19:30 Good point. Good point Mark. Excellent one. And I don't mean to, I'm not gonna challenge how great your point was there, but I'm gonna move us along to the next one. And I want to talk about the holy spirit being our intercessor, uh, intercessor is, uh, one of those Christian words, more or less, I'm going quickly define it. And intercessor is basically somebody who prays for somebody else or some other situations, you know, that doesn't affect them. So they're praying for a need or a person or something like that. But in Romans 8 26 and 27, it says, likewise, the spirit who also helps in our weakness for, we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the spirit makes intercession for us with groanings, which cannot be uttered. Now he who searches the heart knows what the mind of the spirit is because he makes intercession for saints according to the will of God. Tim 00:20:35 And what we should see at the beginning of that is that the text does not say that the spirit helps us pray, but rather that the spirit makes intercession for us. He prays next to us. It's, we're two separate entities and that's gonna be important because it, I think it'll help us understand what the spirit is doing and why. Uh, he prays so that when our prayers are deficient because of the struggles going through, uh, or the, the information that we don't have falls short of what it needs to be, he knows what we're praying for. And he knows how to fill that in. He talks to God directly and, and helps fill in our prayers if you would prefer to say it that way. So for here's an example, there's something quite inadequate about the intercession of others. For us, somebody will say, I'll pray for you. Tim 00:21:33 And we think, well, you can do that, but you really don't understand my need. There is a sense in which the fellow believer can never know what we experience and what we're going through. And in that situation, it is a great comfort for us to know that we have a heavenly intercessor, Jesus Christ, our savior, who knows all things, who he himself went through all of our pains and sufferings and he rules over all things for our good, beyond these verses in Romans eight, Paul goes on to talk about the intercession of Jesus. And now Romans 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, but that is the knowledge of faith, right? We believe it. We know it by faith, but we can't always see it. We do not see God's purposes. And so we do not always know what to pray. Tim 00:22:26 I can't tell always if you know what God wants out of a situation. So I will, I will end up praying in my, my own weakness, Lord, your will be done. But the spirit takes that and goes, okay, okay. He's saying, here's what, you know, here's what you wanna do here. It is, go do it. And you know, so what does exactly the spirit say to God to tell X says that he makes his intercessions with groanings and which cannot be uttered. Do you know what that means? It means that the spirits, prayer in our behalf are so deep and profound and comprehensive that they cannot be put into human world. And it's beyond the realm of our mental capacity to comprehend what the spirit praise for us. So when the spirit makes intercession for us, this is God commuting with God, you know, call it God talk, right? Tim 00:23:21 Yeah. I suppose it's something like parent talk, you know, and I had, I had four kids and there were sometimes a husband and wife who me and my wife will confer with one another about something in the life of our, our child. And we prefer that the child not hear it, or sometimes we do it in parent talk parent code so that they wouldn't understand it. It would make cuz it wouldn't make sense to them. We have their best interest at heart, but we sometimes have to confer and talk it through and figure it out. And it doesn't that burden doesn't need to be on the child where the parents we're gonna help the guide them through whatever it is. And uh, I think that's a, a really good example of, you know, how the spirit and the, and the father speak. Mark 00:24:11 I think that's a, an important point you pointed out there, Tim. And it's the fact that the one who's asking on your behalf is the one who's also going to act on your behalf because intercession is, is more than asking to intercede in something means you move into the middle of it. You know that that's, that's the definition of the word. And the very fact that the one is asking is the one who has the power to move in the middle of whatever your situation is and act even when you don't know what the right thing to do is man. Now that's one of those things that it really is good to be an he of Christ on isn't it? Ajai 00:24:53 Yeah. So Tim, like you said, it's such a comforting thing, right? So sometimes we don't even know what to pray. And sometimes we may feel like my, I don't even know if my prayers are working, but you know, it is like you pointed out not only the holy spirit is intering for us, but also Christ himself. He's intering for us at the right hand of God. So it's such a comforting thing, right? So our part is to just rushed in the fact that law is taking care of everything. He has our back twice, right? The holy spirit has our back and Christ has our back. So even if you're not able to pray, even if you feel like, uh, a mess, sometimes, you know, we get so stressed out. We don't know what to think. And our heart is sometimes full of sorrow. We don't know what to pray, but you know, we can still rush in the knowledge that the spirit of God is ING for us and the Christ and Christ himself he's ING for us, it's such a comforting thing. And like you said, he's, he knows what God's will is. And also he knows what we want, what we really need. So we can also rest in the fact that, you know, no matter what happens, God is doing the best for us. Tim 00:26:08 Yep. And just to back that up with the verse, Romans 8 34 says, so who is to condemn, uh, Christ. Jesus is the one who died more than that, who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us constantly. Mark 00:26:25 This really plays into the fact that it's really important. We understand that child relationship cuz the servant and the slave, how confident are they that their master or their, their slave owner is going to have their best, uh, best needs in heart, you know, and, and, and gonna answer their prayer, but a child, you know, and Jesus taught on that all the time. If you are able to give good gifts to your children, how much more is your heavenly father? If you think you're a servant or a slave, you're not gonna trust the intercession be because you're gonna feel like it's a, a, a master praying for you instead of your, your father or a COER. Ajai 00:27:12 If you look at the context, right. You know what happens as the spirit intersects for us? And what is our part in this whole thing, if right after the verse in Romans 27, where it talks about spirit interfering for us in Romans 28, it says the following verse. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord and who are called account to his purpose. Again, it's talking about the people who are actually called by the gospel and justified. If you read the whole, uh, context, it's not talking about, if you allow God, all things will work for good for your good. Some people interpret like that, but here they're, the verse is simply pointing out that we are those who are, who love God. The justified are the ones that love God. So just a statement of fact that it is referring to the people who are justified by faith in Christ. Ajai 00:28:04 So in other, uh, the other way to say it is, you know, all things work together for good, who are called by the gospel and who believed on large Jesus Christ and who are justified and who are glorified. But the point I was trying to make is as the spirit inter sits for us, we can rest assure that all things will work together for our good. And again, if you look at verse 33 and 34, again, the context is what, who shall bring a charge against God elect. It is God who justifies, who is he, who condemns it is Christ to died. And furthermore is risen, who is at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us again, here for us. We simply need to rush in the fact that if you look at verse 30 to, it says he who did not spare his son, but delivered him for us all, how shall he not with him? Also give us freely, give us all things. So our parties to simply understand that, you know, allowed me so much, he did not spare his son. How can he not give us freely all things? And then we need to rush to the fact that there is no charge against me because it's God who justifies, who can bring a charge against me. And it is Christ to died. Who can condemn me when we are rushing in this, right? Intercessions is going on on our behalf and all things will work together for our good, Tim 00:29:32 Excellent point. Excellent point. I wanna just hit one more verse. I got several and there's plenty out there, uh, to talk about the, the spirit interceding for us, but in Philippians one 19, Paul is writing, uh, for, I know that through your prayers and the help of the spirit of Jesus Christ, this will turn out for my deliverance. So he's, he's saying I, I y'all are praying for me, but also Jesus in the holy spirit are praying for me. So I know this will turn out well, you know, the outcome of those verses, you were just talking about AJAI Mark 00:30:08 And, and if I could comment on something AJAIjust said, and I've I've, this is one of my favorite truths. And it's that if God gave us his best Christ while we were at our worst dead and sin and transgression enemies of the cross without God, and without hope if he gave us his best, while we're at our worst, now that he's made us children in heirs, as Aja said, from that scripture, how will he not also along with Christ, give us all things. That's such an awesome truth. What kinda love is that? You know, just beyond beautiful. Tim 00:30:48 All right guys, I know we had, uh, great ideas of being able to move forward on other topics tonight, but you know, me clock guy. So I'm gonna say we can wrap up just a little bit early tonight, but I'd like to give each of you, uh, chance to talk about, uh, you know, give final comments on anything that we've talked about tonight. We'll go ahead and do that in reverse alphabetical order Mark. So that will put you first. Mark 00:31:15 Awesome. <laugh> uh, yeah. I just wanna say, just for people to really think about and receive, understand, and receive who they are in Christ, who God has made you in Christ, that he took you from being a slave to the law and sin, to having a servant master mentality, to make you a son and a daughter of God, himself, children of God. And as John said, that is what we are. We've been given the right to be called children of God and more than children. The apostle Paul said, I'm just gonna finish up by reading the end of Galatians four here, cuz I think he just said it so perfectly. He said because you are his sons, God, the spirit of his son into our hearts, the spirit who calls out Abba father, sir, you are no longer a slave, but God's child. And since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. Tim 00:32:18 Thank you Mark. AJAI How about you? Any final thought? Ajai 00:32:22 I think a while back we said, you know, now that we are saved, how then shall we live? So the new covenant life primarily consists in this understanding and knowing, and seeing and acting like the children of God. That's our new identity. I am the child of the most high guard, right? The one who made heaven and earth. If God can make heaven and earth, if God can turn, um, you know, a two loafs of bread and into thousands and feet, thousands of people, you know, I am the child of the most high God. So we need to change our, uh, thinking and our perspective and how we see ourselves and not only how we see ourselves, but also how we see other believers. You are no less a child of God than me. So understanding that we are the children of God and seeing others also as the children of God is important in Romans in, in second Corin chapter five, Paul says, if any man being Christ, she's a new, new creation. And after saying that, he says, you know, from hence forth, we regard no man, according to the flesh. So we see each other in the spirit and seeing each other in the spirit also involves seeing each other as a children of God. So that is our, uh, primary mode of, um, operation in the new covenant, seeing ourselves as a children of God. Mark 00:33:48 That's perfect. And just one final thought on that. We're never going to see ourselves as a child in he of God, as long as we keep putting ourself back under the law because is under the law, as AJAIsaid, the best will ever be is a slave and a servant. The least we are under faith in by grace in, in, through faith in Christ is a child. Tim 00:34:14 Amen. And amen guys, this has been our 25th episode. Now I wanna do one thing that I don't don't think. I don't remember that we've done up to this point. Some people would call this an alter call, but I don't think that term really applies completely. So what I'd really just like to say is I'd like to say to any of our listeners, we've talked an awful lot over the past 25 episodes of all the benefits of being out from under the laws and in death and into the new covenant of life. And we want you to be a part of that. Someone came to Jesus once and said, so master what must I do to be saved? And he said, simply this believe I'm the one who sent me no works, no magic prayer, no formula, no, you don't have to do anything. Have decide that you accept this and believe. And from that point forward, you're in God's hands. And if someone comes along and tells you, well, now you have to do this and this and this. They're trying to put you back. They're trying to put you into a works mentality and somewhat back under the law, which is not where you want to be. You want the freedom that talked about so much of being the son or daughter of God in a co-heir with Christ. Guys. You gonna add anything to that? Ajai 00:35:33 Yeah, that's uh, great, Tim. I really appreciate the fact that you give the mutation. So again, I just want to say that all it needs is, you know, believing that the Lord Jesus Christ came as a human baby and then he lived for 33 years and he went to the cross for all since and he died. And it was again on the third day to give us a gift of life and receiving that gift. That's all we need to do to be saved. Nothing more than that. And once we are saved, we become the children of God. As we are talking about, then we get to live the new identity without having to again, wonder about doing our working hard for God's blessings, but simply rushing the, for that we are the children of the most high God. Mark 00:36:20 Yeah. I, I appreciate you giving that invitation, Tim, but I also wanted to just also read Jesus' invitation cuz he's he's the one who said, come to me all ye who are wearing and I will give you rest for your souls. He calls you. He wants you to come in, be a child of God. Ajai 00:36:40 Amen. Tim 00:36:40 Amen. A good place to stop for today. Thank you so much, guys. It's been a good night for those listening. We'd love to hear from you. Contact us, email us comments in any of, in whatever system you're using to consume these podcasts. If you're enjoying it, we would appreciate a description, a like a star, whatever your system does to show your approval. And of course share us with your friends. That'll be a it for us today. We pray breath, blessings upon all of you. Who've been listening and we'll talk to you the next time We would like to thank you for listening to the unveiling. We hope you have enjoyed it enough to consider subscribing and sharing with others. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. You can reach us via [email protected] or find our Facebook page at the unveiling podcast for IJ, Mark and myself. God bless. And we will talk with you next time.

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