Episode 23

April 24, 2022


Episode 23 - The Holy Spirit - Pt 3

Episode 23 - The Holy Spirit - Pt 3
The Unveiling Podcast
Episode 23 - The Holy Spirit - Pt 3

Apr 24 2022 | 00:44:34


Show Notes

Continued discussion of the work, ministry, and role of the Holy Spirit

* Seal of ownership
* Glorifies Jesus
* Freedom


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hello, and welcome to the unveiling with your hosts, IJ, mark, and Tim three guys discussing the one true gospel. We hope you enjoy today is discussion. Let's dive right in. Speaker 1 00:00:23 Welcome back to the unveiling with your hosts. AJ, mark, and Tim. This is episode 23, the holy spirit part three. So that means we've had two other episodes where we've been talking about the mission and purpose of the holy spirit. And today we've gotta go up a more lined up to talk about, and I'm gonna go ahead and kick us off today. Guys. I wanna talk about the holy spirit, transforming us into the image of Christ and that's, you know, maybe not the only most important thing he does, but it is one of the big thing he does. And we take this from second Corinthians, three 18 <affirmative> and we who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory are being transformed into his likeness with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the spirit. So right there in it, it says transformed, you know, being transformed into his likeness. Speaker 1 00:01:22 That's the holy spirit doing that cause we have no ability to do anything like that. We have no idea to make ourselves more Christlike indeed, or appearance or anything. This is a process that's known as sanctification. Now just one of those big Christian words, let me define it. Sanctification is the action of making or declaring something holy and or the process of being freed from sin or purified sounds really confusing what's going on here, but it really isn't, it's really straightforward. Sanctification is the process of the holy spirit stripping away anything that isn't isn't Christlike. So some of our fleshly nature gets stripped away. Our desire to sin gets stripped away and it bring, and those pieces help bring our spirit into holiness. The likeness of Christ. This is an important part to a point to me, the likeness of Christ is not produced by it is produced by inhabitation nothing we can do. We can't look at the Bible. Our WWJD bracelets really aren't that helpful in the long run. Uh, it's not something we do. We don't read the Bible and try and act like Christ and, and be to become Christ. But this spirit to Wells in us and changes us from the inside out Speaker 2 00:02:49 WWJD bracelets, what would Jesus do? And I always kind of jokingly say, he'd tell you to throw that cheap bracelet away and turn to him and rely on him instead of you doing anything other than loving him and putting your focus on him and walking in his spirit. So, Speaker 1 00:03:08 Amen. Speaker 2 00:03:09 My apologies to those that sell that to those that make those and sell them, but sorry. Speaker 1 00:03:14 Well, the idea comes from a good intention, but it's really bad act because a again, it's not about our works, our actions, it's about the holy spirit in dwelling us and changing us from the inside. So the other verse I was looking for was Romans 8 29 and 30, for whom he for knew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the first born among many Bre brethren, moreover, whom he pressed predestined. He also called whom he called. He also justified and who he justified these, he has also glorified. So there's another reference right there to the spirit, making us into the image of, so I've, I've put up my kind of put up my theory and my, my, uh, proof texts. So what do you guys have to say? Speaker 3 00:04:09 Yeah. If I can, uh, jump into him, you know, I think I, again, want to emphasize the point you made the sanctification are being transformed into the image of Christ. It's not by our trying, it's not by our, you know, working hard at it or like, you know, wearing, um, WW J whatever it is. I can't even say <laugh> the bracelets. Uh, but you know, it's simply, you know, it's, uh, spirits work. It's not our work. And we also see in gala chapter 22, it says the fruit of the spirit, there's a work of the flesh. You know, it's interesting. It, the words that are used the work of the flesh, right? It's a flesh that works, but the opposite of it is a fruit of the spirit. It's a fruit, it's a spirit that bears the fruit in us. It's not us working hard to the fruit, no matter how much a branch works, it cannot bear the fruit. Speaker 3 00:05:05 The fruit comes out by the branch, resting in the wine and, uh, actually taking the SAP from the wine. That's how it bears fruit. And again, the branch responsibility is only the bearing, the fruit it's not producing the fruit. The, that is one thing. You know, the other thing, you know, I also wanted to, uh, kind of bring to light is we talked about it, uh, before as well. We are in three parts, spirit, soul, and body, right? So we, we have a new spirit, uh, in the old body and in the middle, the soul that consists of mind is, uh, we renewed. So our part is to simply look at the law, Jesus Christ, right? You know who he is because in looking at law, Jesus Christ, we look at ourselves and as we look at Lord Jesus Christ, and as we behold him, the spirit transforms us into his image. Speaker 3 00:06:03 The other way to look at it is the Bible says, if, if any man is in Christ, he's a new creation, right? And the Bible also talks about, we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. And in EF it says, you know, two times inefficient and also in Colosians it says, you know, put off the old man and put on the new man. So this new man is created in Christ Jesus, and he's perfect already. So what holy spirit does is as we look to Jesus Christ, he takes a new man and actually makes him, I don't want to use the word real, but you know, more and more of the new man manifests in us. And more and more of the old man, we used to be kind of false by the wayside. But again, the important point is all of this is by grace. Speaker 3 00:06:52 It's not by working hard. It's not trying to admit it, our Lord, Jesus Christ, but simply resting in the finished work of law, Jesus Christ, and simply looking at our Lord Jesus Christ, because the Bible says, as he is, so are we in this world? So when we are looking at law, Jesus Christ, we are looking at ourselves, the new creation that we are in Christ Jesus. And the more we look at ourselves and the more we believe what the Lord Jesus Christ had actually made us the holy spirit brings it to reality in this body. Speaker 2 00:07:25 I wanna focus on a word you use that. I love AJ. When you said our part is simply to look at the Lord, Jesus Christ. Now that word look has a bigger meaning than just taking your eyes cuz we can't look. It means to contemplate him to think about him. Like if someone said, do you, you see what I mean? They don't mean, do you see what I mean? They mean, do you understand? Do have you thought about it and understand? And that's what IJ I believe you mean by we're transformed by looking at the Lord's Jesus Christ, just as my translation, the, the NIV of second Corinthians three, which is the passage Tim read at the beginning, says in we all who with unveiled faces, contemplate the Lord's glory are being transformed into his image would ever increasing, which is from the Lord who is the spirit. Speaker 2 00:08:23 So within that one that Tim read, it's telling us it's the spirit. As we contemplate it, look at him and for us to be able to look at him, we need to remove that veil of works of the law of that whole old covenant mentality in Tim's, uh, translation. It said reflect, which is another great word for look, we reflect on something. We contemplate it here in Romans 12. It says, therefore, I urge you brothers and sisters in view of God's mercy to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to God. This is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. There's that action of your mind, again, setting your mind on Christ, looking at him, contemplating him as we do that with unveiled faces and hearts, the spirit transforms us into him, makes us look like him. So I, I just love that. No matter which one of those passages you, you is, whether it's look contemplate, um, renew your mind, or just here, it says, present yourselves, really looking at God as just presenting yourself, you know, just taking the focus of your mind, which is distracted on the rest of life, many things, good things, taking that and turning your, your mind and your spirit to Christ and looking at him and being transformed. Speaker 3 00:10:03 So in fact, mark, I was also bring, going to bring up Roman chapter two. It says, you know, like you said, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. So as we just discussed, you know, our spirits are brand new and our bodies are old and in the middle is a soul and mind is part of the soul. So renewing of the mind plays a key part in terms of, you know, living of the new mind and living our, of the new life that we have in Christ. So by renewing your mind, by understanding to your point, right, by understanding who we are in Christ Jesus, we renew basically, you know, we understand our new identity and based on that, you know, we live our new life again. You know, when we live our new life, it's not we doing it. We simply understand and accept what the Lord Jesus has made us. And the spirit brings to life who we are already made in Christ Jesus Speaker 2 00:11:02 Mm-hmm <affirmative>. So in Romans 12, there, Paul agrees with you when you use the word look, cuz because before he says, before you present yourself to God to be having your mind renewed saying, the reason you do it, he says is in view of God's mercy. There's another look, word view, which really means to think as we consider God's mercy, his love that prompted him to forgive all our sin and make us new and declares righteousness. That's our prompt. That's what compels us to continue to present ourselves and contemplate his glory. I always say that the gospel, anytime you hear the gospel, there's never an and if or, but it's always because of sense or in view of Paul's saying is, okay, you've thought about and understood God's mercy. And because of that, that's gonna cause you to take your mind and further contemplate Christ and be transformed. That's your whole motivation is because you've already been moved by him. And obviously it's the spirit in the first place that gave us faith to first look at Christ and understand and receive Speaker 1 00:12:28 My, the biggest takeaway I take away from this particular subject is I don't have to do it. I know as Christians, we all want to be more Christlike, but we couldn't in our flesh not be sinners. We needed God to save us and he gave us the holy spirit. It's now on him to change me. All, all I have to do is keep myself focused on him and we can, uh, and he will make that change within us. Speaker 2 00:12:55 From first to last, what you just said, the apostle Paul said the righteous will live by faith from first to last. So you don't start, like you mentioned, having faith in Christ and then start picking it up yourself from there. It's from first to last, there's zero room in the, there for us to add things other than just to rely on Christ, to look at him, contemplate him, reflect on him, view his Mey view. His goodness. Speaker 1 00:13:25 Excellent. Well, let's pick up another topic going forward here, mark. I'm not gonna introduce it even. I'm just gonna toss it over to you and let you move forward with your next point. Speaker 2 00:13:36 Okay. Well, my point is this and it's one of my favorite scriptures that has really been on my heart. Well, I've, I've written songs with, with this truth, with some of the lines of scripture and it's just always, as I'm a worship leader. One of my big passions in calling is just to remind believers that God has set his spirit on them. As a seal of ownership. He's given him his spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing their futures, guaranteeing the riches of the glorious inheritance. That is their is in Christ. You can't lose that. He's given you a seal. And as I, I did some study this week on what a seal is in scripture and seals have been around in history throughout the centuries. In, in, in early old Testament times Kings were the first one, they all wore Cignet rings. It was the King's ring and anything that they would, they would melt wax on it. Speaker 2 00:14:48 Anything that had that seal of the King's ring that was a stamp of ownership of protection and security. And that stamp was irrevocable. So, uh, you know, when the Bible uses that same terminology seal, God has put that seal on us. It means that, and, and Paul says over and over, I'm gonna share some of the scriptures that the spirit is a seal of ownership. It's a guarantee, uh, it's a seal of protection as well. We are under the protection of the God of all creation. We are secure in him. We can't lose it. He's not gonna lose. We're not gonna lose him. It's irrevocable. He will never change his mind about you because you are in Christ and Christ is in you. I wanna share a couple scriptures here. Just remind people that an example of that seal thing was when Christ was put in the tomb, the Roman governor poncho pilot, put his seal on there. Speaker 2 00:15:57 That was a seal of protection and security. Anybody touched that they were, it was capital punishment. You were dead. You don't mess with the power of the Roman governor. How much greater is the seal of our God than our Roman governor. And I love Romans 1129. It says for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable. So I know so many, uh, sincere Christians have debated throughout the years over whether someone can lose their salvation. And I just, how can you argue against the seal of ownership? You belong to God, he's put his spirit in you as a seal of that ownership as a deposit and a guarantee of your future. Who's gonna have the power to break that seal. Nobody it's impossible. And at 1, 1, 1 point that really jumped out at me. As I read, as I did, my, uh, kinda studying for this week is listen to this in Deuteronomy 29. Speaker 2 00:17:03 This is Moses presenting the old covenant, the, to the people of Israel. He says, so, so God commanded Moses to call out the entire nation at once. And Moses said this. He said, you are standing here in order to enter into a covenant with the Lord, your God, a covenant. The Lord is making you with you this day and ceiling with an oath to confirm you this day as his people, that he may be your God, as he promised you. So the old covenant was intended to make the people, his people, and he would be their God. He sealed it with an oath, okay? But we all know the ending of that story. That because it was a covenant, we were not able to withhold our, our, our side of things. So that oath was broken in Hebrews eight, the apostle Paul quotes the prophet and he says this. Speaker 2 00:18:08 He says, today are coming declares. The Lord, when I will make a new covenant, it will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt because they did not remain faithful to my covenant. And I turned away from them, declares the Lord. This is the, I will establish with the people, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God. And they will be my people. Now, I, I just love that because it's so clear. The first covenant was made with an oath that, that covenant was broken by the people. Because as he said, they didn't remain faithful to the covenant. He says the new covenant I make, I'm gonna put in their minds and on their hearts. That's the spirit. Speaker 2 00:19:04 That's the giving of the spirit that Christ talked about. It's not dependent upon our faithfulness. We couldn't keep the one made with an oath. So he said, all right, I'm gonna, I'm gonna make this covenant for them in my son, in his life that I'm gonna deposit the spirit in them so that my laws will be written on their minds and their hearts. It's not gonna be written on a cold stone tablet, but now it's gonna to be written on hearts of flesh through his spirit. So you can see a, a main difference between those two covenants. One was on an oath dependent upon us. The other was dependent upon him. He did it all and then gave us his spirit and our minds and our hearts. And that's an everlasting covenant. It tells us. Speaker 3 00:19:52 Yeah. I would like to read one scripture on the seal, mark, you know what you mentioned in efficient chapter one, verse 13, it says in him, you also, after listening to the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, having also believed you were sealed in him with the holy spirit of promise. You know, the picture that comes to mind, you know, I've always imagined that he is, think of Christ as an envelope. You know, in the olden days they would put stuff inside an envelope, especially when Kings want to send something to others, like a letter, and then you close it and then you seal it or so think of Christ as an envelope. And then holy spirit took us and put us inside that envelope, which is Christ in heaven, then close the envelope and then sealed with the seal. And that seal is holy spirit himself. Speaker 3 00:20:50 So think of that. It's like, you know, that's how strong, you know, our, uh, work of redemption is. Um, and the Bible also talks, you know, in addition to holy spirit being the seal, it also talks about holy spirit as a down payment or the guarantee of our inheritance. So Lord Jesus crashed after saving us. And when he is going to heaven, right? You know, he said, you know, I'm not going to leave you as orphans, but I'll send you the comforter. So for us, the evidence or the guarantee that, you know, what is the guarantee that, you know, once I die, I will go to heaven. The guarantee of the down payment is a holy spirit. So God gave us a holy spirit for every believer who believed on the finished work of Lord Jesus Christ. When they believe they received the holy spirit as a down payment, as a guarantee of our inheritance, that is ours. Speaker 1 00:21:47 Two more thing I wanna bring up about the seal is that, you know, you mentioned several of its attributes, two more of 'em are number one, it was authenticity. This, this was something that didn't get replicated because all the rings, all the S were handmade and things like that. So you always, you could tell with close examination, it was the ring of the, a, the other thing is authority. It gained it, granted you the authority of the ring bearer. So if the king gave me permission to go out and do certain tasks and people didn't wanna do 'em, I could hold up my, my paper with the, with the impression, the seal on it and go, but the king told me I could do it. So you have to treat me like the king. I have the authority yep. Of the king. So that's just two more words, mark. I think you alluded to both of them somewhat, but I wanted to clarify. Speaker 3 00:22:38 That's awesome. Dan, Speaker 2 00:22:39 I wanna go back to, uh, the scripture that a AJ read in Ephesians one, which is one that I found here too, that I had, which I think is an awesome one. And at the end, when, when you read, when you believed you were marked in him with a seal, the promise, holy spirit, who was a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance. Now the word in your translation said down payments. That's what a deposit is. So I, I just love that. And last week, and you also brought up John Fort, where Jesus was telling his disciples, that after I go to the cross, after I leave you, I'm not gonna leave you as orphans, but I'm going to come to you. And then kind of a realization I had. And we had during that is that when we're given that deposit of the spirit, it's Christ, we're given Christ, Christ is in us. Speaker 2 00:23:35 And I gotta tell you, since that hit me, I've been thinking about it so much. And I, I can't tell you the last time I felt this close to Christ as I've walked, since our last pod podcast in my life. Just realizing that the spirit in me that deposit is Christ himself. Amen. Just brought like a new nearness and closeness for me. And I hope it does that for you guys. And for everybody listening. Um, I got a couple more scriptures here. I wanted to share with you guys, uh, second Corinthians one 20 says for no matter how many promises God has made, they are yes. In Christ. And so, so through him, the amen is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us and put his spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. Speaker 2 00:24:40 So there's another scripture along with Ephesians one that backs that up. This is no out a theology built on one scripture. There are many scriptures that talk about the holy spirit as a seal of ownership and a deposit guaranteeing Ephesians for said, says that, uh, do not grieve the holy spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Uh, and then here's, here's another great one second Corinthians five, uh, talks about when this life is over, what appears to be death to the people that are still living, that appears that we died. This is what it says about our experience. On the other side is we go through it. It says for a while, we are in, in this tent, meaning our bodies, our earthly bodies, we grown and are burdened because we do not wish to be unclothed, but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling. Speaker 2 00:25:40 So that what is mortal maybe swallowed up by life. I just love that term. Our experience of death is gonna feel more like being swallowed up by life. And then he goes on to say, now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God. So he's telling us, we were meant for life. God didn't create us to die to be, you know, sin came in and did that, but then he redeemed us because from the beginning he fashioned us for life. And he says, and to prove that he has given us the spirit as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. So there's a fourth scripture of Paul. This is a theme throughout Paul's preaching that God has given us his seal of ownership and his spirit as a deposit. This is in a theology, a fringe theology taken out of one scripture and then added to by mankind. Speaker 2 00:26:41 This is the apostle Paul, the greatest preacher, and who had the deepest knowledge of the gospel of anybody that ever lived, um, preaching to believers. You need to realize you are sealed. You, you are guaranteed. Your future is guaranteed. Don't worry about a thing I love the at, uh, and just one final thought before I hand it back to Tim is as we talked about John 14, Jesus saying that he's not going to leave us as orphans, but it's him that when he sends his spirit, it's him, that's coming to live in you. And we know from a fee to that, it says that that, uh, God has seated us. He's raised us with Christ and seed us, seated us in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. Well, in John 14, when he said, he's coming to us, it's also telling me that we're seated in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, but Christ Jesus is seated in the earthly realms in us. Speaker 2 00:27:50 It's this relationship that you know, and, and that, to me, that's all I don't understand because I'm seated in the heavenly realms. It's, it's holy it's above anything we can understand here on earth, but the doneness of the deal, I'm already seated with Christ, and he's already seated in us as a deposit guaranteeing. It's just a wonderful two-way guarantee. We're GU we're already in the heavenly realms and Christ Jesus. He's already in us as a seal of ownership and a deposit in his very presence. We can know him and commune with him on the most intimate level mankind can know. Speaker 3 00:28:32 Yeah. One other awesome truth about that. Mark is in a Christ in me is also the new me in Christ. So it's important to realize that our new man is so joined with our Lord Christ. You know, the Christ in me is actually the new man in Christ. So when we realize that, right, you know, we don't, that's our perfect union with Christ. When we realize that we don't separate ourself from Christ. You know, most of us think that, you know, Christ she's there and I'm separate from him. And Jesus tells me something. Then I have to do, uh, the holy spirit tells me something. Then I have to do. Then they again, fall back into flesh and the law, because now again, the on is on me, even though Christ is living in me because I'm not seeing him as one with me, I am seeing as something living in me telling me to do stuff, then I have to do it in my own strength. Speaker 3 00:29:31 And that reminds me of this scripture. Also, this is another awesome scripture in, uh, second Corine, chapter four and verse 13, actually about seven. It says, but we have this treasure in earth and vessels so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not of ourselves. You know, back to your point, Tim, you said, right. You know, it's not up to us. We have this treasure in the earth and vessels, which is a holy spirit and Christ in me so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not of ourselves. Speaker 2 00:30:07 One final seal on here. Let me seal this with this Colosians one. The apostle Paul says, I have become a servant of the gospel by the commission. God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness. The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but has now disclosed to the Lord's people to them. God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles, the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Oh, I just love that, man. That's really the gospel he's saying here, the mystery that had been kept hidden for ages and through him. Now he was commissioned by God to disclose to the Lord's people that the, that this mystery, this gospel is that Christ is in you. He's your hope, the hope of glory. Oh, that's so good. Speaker 3 00:31:11 Yeah. So you know how little, most of us appreciate the presence of God and Christ in us, right? We are still thinking, you know, we lack stuff and we need something more. And people seem to value thinks even in heaven, their idea of heaven is okay, I'll get some medals, I'll get some CRO crowns. And I will walk on the streets of gold. All that is well and good, but we already have Christ even on, in this body, on this side of heaven, we have Christ in us. You know how little we appreciate that? Speaker 2 00:31:43 Why is think that is AJ? Speaker 3 00:31:44 Well, I don't know. It's just a matter of revelation. We don't understand what we have. Speaker 2 00:31:49 There's the key there. I think the word understand, yeah. Is, is a big, is a big part of it. And that's really what the mission of the unveiling is for the three of us first. And then hopefully others benefit from it is that we gain more understanding of Christ in us, the hope of glory and us in Christ seated in the heavenly realms. Now, Tim, did you have something else you wanted to talk about? Speaker 1 00:32:18 Thanks guys. That was a great point. And I'm sorry if I feel, if you feel like I'm moving you along, I am the So, uh, so let's move along to the next topic. Uh, I think mark, I think we're gonna cover this. My, one of our, all of our favorite verses where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. So why don't you take us Speaker 2 00:32:41 From there now? This is an awesome one. Cuz freedom is one of those words. That just sounds like what it is. You know, I, I remember the end of, uh, Braveheart when William Walls just screams out freedom, you know, man who doesn't love freedom. Freedom's awesome. And, and for, for, uh, the spirit to be revealed as the giver, the true giver of freedom is, is just such a great thing. I'm going to read something here we already talked about. Well, first of all, we had a three part series on freedom early you're on. So if you haven't listened to that, to all our listeners, please go back. That was a really enjoyable one for the three of us to do, but we're gonna touch on it again, specifically as the spirit is the giver of our freedom. And I wanna quickly just reiterate, uh, what we've already talked about in, uh, second cor and three, where, where the Paul Paul spends a couple, a couple paragraphs comparing the old covenant with the new covenant, the old covenant being the ministry of death and condemnation only meant, meant to be a transitory covenant, the new covenant being the ministry of rights and the spirit and an everlasting covenant covenant, after he compares them, he says this. Speaker 2 00:34:09 He says, whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. So turning to Christ takes that veil of law and works and rules and regulations and us doing in our ability. It takes it away. And then he says this just so we're not just so we have no confusion about who this is. That's bringing us all this goodness. Um, who's, who's taking the veil away and bringing us to Christ. He says, you know, when he says, when anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. He defines who the Lord he says, now the Lord is the spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is. There is freedom. So to me, this whole chapter and what Paul said, right there is the biggest freedom is the spirit is our freedom from the veil of the law, from condemnation, from, from the law of sin and death, which we've talked about this, um, just in great depth about how just the ramifications of no longer being under law, no longer Christian, no longer being a religion or rules or performance or behavior modification, whatever you wanna call it. Speaker 2 00:35:30 So the spirit is the freedom from the law of sin and death. And Romans eight also says that Romans eight says, therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Jesus, because through Christ Jesus, the law of the spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. So there's that word, free freedom. Uh, the spirit has set us free from the law of sin and death and given us life. And so when you think about freedom, it's always really freedom from something and freedom to something else. So, so from the, from side, we've got we've, we're given by the spirit, the freedom from the law of sin and de from its condemnation. We're also set free from the spiritual forces of darkness. We're set free from the dominion of sin and we are set free from death. Speaker 2 00:36:29 Let me read a couple more, uh, scriptures here to back that up for you. Uh, Jesus quoted Isaiah 61. He said the spirit of the sovereign Lord is on me because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness, for the pre, for the prisoners. So, oh, the spirit of the sovereign Lord, who is Christ himself is saying he's proclaiming freedom for the captives, a release from darkness. To me, that darkness means a darkness, a spiritual darkness. It means the, um, forces of spiritual darkness in the heavenly realms. It means a Dick bondage, uh, so free. And we, you know, there's some, some types of bondage or literal bondage just as, uh, uh, the spirit of God led Israel out of captivity and bondage in Egypt. Speaker 2 00:37:33 Others are bondages of our own making bondages of this world, the brokenness and thing that happened to us that, you know, things happen when we're in kids. And we're in high schools that in high school that have had a hold of us for yours, the spirit of Christ has come to break. That bond is just spirit. Spirit of freedom has come to set us free from that. And he will do that. Um, and, and, and if you keep going on in Romans eight, he, it says that the, the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace. So it's freedom from death and it's a freedom to have life and peace. Now I'd like to open it up to the, to you guys to just kind of respond to of that Speaker 3 00:38:21 Mark, you know, you brought out an awesome truth. Read the freedom in reference to the scripture is freedom from the law, the freedom from the law of sin death, and even in Roman chapter eight in the same chapter you've been quoting scriptures from in verse 14 says right, 14 and 15, for as many as are led by the spirit of God. These are the sons of God for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry AB of father. So here, his references, you know, bond again, to fear, what was the bondage again, to fear it's the law. So he's saying that, you know, you're not, the law is the spirit of bondage. Again, we see that in, uh, gala chapter four as well, Paul, you know, compares Hagar to the law and Mount Sinai and Sarah to grace. Speaker 3 00:39:14 And he calls us the children of the free woman. So the other contrast here is right under the law, we were slaves, right? We were not slaves to the law, but we were slaves to sin and death right under the law. But now the contrast is we have come from, um, the slavery to, in and death to freedom and not just, just freedom, right? To the freedom of the children of God. We have become the slaves from the slaves of a bond woman, to the children, the free children of God, how good it is, right. How amazing it is. Not only just free, but the free senses of God almighty. So that is so cool here. It says like in this chapter or in the scriptures that I read as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God here. The freedom is in reference to the freedom of the children of God. So that is so cool. We are not only free, but we are the free sons of God. And under the, we were not only not free, but we were slaves under grace. We were not only free, but we are the free sense of God. Speaker 2 00:40:27 Yeah. I, I, I wanna, I wanna just, this is a, a hair split here. I believe we were, you said we weren't slaves to the law, but we were slaves to death. I, I don't believe that it's true. I believe we were slaves to the law. In fact, Paul calls the law yolk of slavery. But the reason that we're slaves to the law is because when we're under the law where you're under the dominion of sin, which brings death. So it's, it's a fine point. Speaker 3 00:40:56 That is, yeah, that is true, mark. I think, but if you go back all the way to the garden, right? What came is first is sin and death, right? When, uh, when, uh, Adam made of the tree of knowledge of good and evil sin and death came, and then they came under the law. The reasons law became a slavery is because they could not keep the law. It, the more unfortunate thing is like the ate of the law. Not knowing that they cannot keep the law, right? The moment the ate of the three of the law sin entered and they died and they could never keep the law. So there is this, I think, yeah, I think you're right. Both. They're also slavery to law because now the law is like a slave master telling them to do stuff. Right. But they, they don't have the power to do it. So they're forever in this bondage, both to the law and also to sin and that. Sure. Speaker 2 00:41:49 And it's fairly irrelevant, which is the chicken and which is the egg, you know, they're both slave masters. One, one makes your life just feel like nothing but condemnation and a yolk, like Jesus said, come to me all, you are weary and I will give you rest for my yoke is easy. My burden is light where the yo of the law is heavy. It's condemnation and guilt, and ultimately is gonna lead to death because it puts you under the power of sin. Speaker 3 00:42:26 So again, a hate split here, mark, I'm sorry, but it's not ultimately lead to death. We are already dead. Speaker 2 00:42:33 Yeah, we're dead. But we're because Adam and Eve originally chose the tree of the knowledge of good, of, and evil instead of the tree of life, which brought the sin in death. So we can go back and forth for the rest of the night <laugh> which you know, which came first, but they're, they are very, uh, ugly twin sisters, you know? Speaker 3 00:42:56 No, no, no. That's not the, that's not the point husband. I was thinking we are already, when we are born into this world, we were dead. And then when we are exposed to the law, we could not keep it. Speaker 2 00:43:05 Yeah, you're right. You're right. We had Speaker 3 00:43:07 No Speaker 2 00:43:07 Life going back to the garden at the very beginning, which is what you had done to, but you're right. We're born in inheriting. Adam's curse of death from the minute we're born before we've had a chance to do anything right or wrong. Speaker 3 00:43:22 Yeah. That's the reason, you know, it is, uh, it makes no sense to make an attempt, to keep the law because we are no power to keep the law to begin with. Speaker 1 00:43:32 Well, guys, some of that was really deep. Uh, and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna encourage people as you listen to this, if you have questions, reach out and contact us. And we'd love to hear from you also, if you are listening, uh, regularly, we hope you've subscribed. And I hope you're sharing this with your friends. That's gonna be enough for us tonight. Thanks guys for another wonderful evening. And we will talk to you all the next time. We would like to thank you for listening to the unveiling. We hope you have enjoyed it enough to consider subscribing and sharing with others. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. You can reach us via [email protected] or find our book page at the unveiling podcast for IJ, mark, and myself. God bless. And we will talk with you next time.

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