Episode 21

April 10, 2022


Episode 21 - The Holy Spirit

Episode 21 - The Holy Spirit
The Unveiling Podcast
Episode 21 - The Holy Spirit

Apr 10 2022 | 00:46:34


Show Notes

Episode 21 - The Holy Spirit


Discussion on the person of the Holy Spirit

   Revelation of the Spirit throughout the Bible

   Beginning discssion on the Name/functions of the Spirit


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Hello and welcome to the unveiling with your hosts aj, Mark and Tim, three guys discussing the one true gospel. We hope you enjoy today's discussion. Let's dive right in. Welcome Speaker 2 00:00:24 To the unveiling with your hosts, aj, Mark and Tim, three guys discussing the one true gospel. Today, our topic is gonna be the Holy Spirit. Now, I don't know by you guys, but I have, I have done some study on the Holy Spirit, but I don't feel like I'm, you know, the be all, end all of knowledge there. This is a journey we are all on. Understanding who, what, and how the Holy Spirit interacts with us. Anyone disagree with that? Okay, so I'm going to kick us off today. Usually I pass this right off so I don't have to talk too long. But today, I've, I feel like, uh, I want to get us started cuz I think that a lot of Christians feel like the Holy Spirit was introduced to us by Jesus. And I'm gonna refer to a specific set of verses, John 16, where Jesus, before going to the cross, was explaining to the disciples kind of what was coming. Speaker 2 00:01:23 And he said, Verily I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away unless I go the advocate. We're gonna talk about some of this later, but advocate is just one of the names of the Holy Spirit. The advocate will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you. When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment about sin because people do not believe in me about righteousness, because I'm going to the Father where you can see me no longer and about judgment because of the prince of this world now stands condemned, quite frankly. There's a lot of stuff in there about who the Holy Spirit is and what his, you know, purpose is, but it's very short. So, you know, you, you kind of can gloss right over some of that. Speaker 2 00:02:11 So some Christians think that's where Christ introduced the Holy Spirit, like he wasn't around before that. But the Spirit has been part of the godhood through out forever, through eternity. And he's in the Bible from Genesis through revelations. In fact, the first mention of the Holy Spirit is in Genesis one, verse two. And he where the, where it says, and the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And then again in Genesis two, seven, if you're not convinced, you know, he goes live far back then the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And man became a living soul. Now, I'm no, I'm no Hebrew scholar, but the word that is used in both of those verses is, and if you guys know how to say it properly, please correct me, I think it's Ra Rush, r u a c h, rush, That word is translated as both the spirit, uh, excuse me, is both the breath or the spirit. Speaker 2 00:03:21 So either both of those mean the spirit, and we're gonna get into this more later. The Spirit has a lot of names, but we can always tell who they're talking about those times all throughout the whole Old Testament, you know, the spirit came upon the judges. Uh, he had lots of roles in Old Testament prophecy. Um, guys, and, and I'll just, I'll cap this off with, and he goes all, there's even a mention of him in towards the end of Revelation. And so he is throughout the Bible, beginning to end, He's part of the godhood. He ha he is, he was, he is to be. Speaker 3 00:03:56 Can you quickly read that Genesis 2 7, 1 more time. Speaker 2 00:03:59 Genesis two, seven. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils. Wow. The breath of life and man became a living soul. Speaker 3 00:04:10 And that's the same word that's used in his prior translated the Spirit of God. So it's like the spirit of God. It's, it's God's breath. He's breathing into you. And the spirit is also called the spirit of life. So it's like it's God's own breath breathing into us. I love it. That's beautiful, beautiful imagery. Speaker 4 00:04:31 Yeah. You know, like you said, Tim and Mark, you know, Holy Spirit has been there all along, right? So we sometimes help don't pay attention, but, um, he's there in creation of the world and he's also there in creation of man, like you said. And then he's also there in the, in the birth and ministry of our Lord Christed as we know that, um, we know Holy Spirit. The Mary was, um, became pregnant by the Holy Spirit, right? It's not by a natural birth. And then after he was born, he grew in wisdom and knowledge of God. And then as he starts his ministry, the Bible says, you know Jesus, in Luke chapter four, it says, Jesus being filled with the Holy Spirit return from Jordan. And the first time he ever spoke, he quoted, uh, this scripture from Isaiah. He says, The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. Speaker 4 00:05:33 And he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. And he's also there, you know, in his, uh, earth ministry and in the cross death bur and resurrection, and specifically in the resurrection in Romans chapter one, Paul says in Romans chapter one, verse four, talking about the Lord Christ, three to four, he says, You know, this is the gospel concerning his son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, and declared to be the son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead. So in his resurrection also, you know, the Holy Spirit place here all. So the Holy Spirit is all over, even though, you know, we do not notice it. You know, that's what I think, uh, makes Holy Spirit special because he doesn't really draw attention to himself, but he actually brings glory to Lord Jesus Christ. And the Father. Speaker 3 00:06:40 One little, uh, point I'd like to just touch on that you alluded to there, AJ, was that before Christ came in the Old Testament, in the old covenant, the Spirit was there, but he did not in dwell human beings, yet he came almost like touched down on earth to give a prophet prophecy, uh, to tell, uh, to appear to Moses in a burning bush, to appear and, and speak to Abraham, Speaker 2 00:07:08 Led the Israel lights with a column of fire in a column of cloud. I, you know, think that was a spirit Speaker 3 00:07:15 Cloud by day pillar of fire by night. So, so there was a whole new relationship with the spirit. Once Christ died, he said that he would not leave us as orphans, but that he will come to us. And in John 14, he also told them, it's good for me to go, because once I go, I'm going to send the advocate, I'm going to send the counselor. There's an another place where he tells his disciples that it's good that I'm dying, that I'm going back to the Father, for you will do even greater things than the things you've seen while I'm here. Because he's gonna live in us instead of one person in a finite area of Israel and the surrounding countryside. Now through the entire world, Christ is doing things through his spirit in us. So in New Testament, new covenant times when we live now, we have the indwelling of the spirit. Speaker 3 00:08:14 And one thing you see that differentiation between the old covenant in the new covenant with the cross as kind of the, of the fulcrum there when the planks swung to the indwelling, is that it's kind of the same thing with unbelievers and believers. Before I was a believer, when I was still in my unbelief, God sent his spirit to me to show me things, to give me faith so that I could become a believer. Once I accepted Christ, he forgave me, gave me his righteousness, then he gave it, says that he gave me the spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come guaranteeing the riches of my inheritance in Christ and as a seal of ownership. So I kinda like that, uh, before and after thing, both in the covenants and in my personal life as an believer and then a believer. What do you think about that guys? Speaker 4 00:09:09 Yeah, I think that's a great point. Uh, Mark, in fact, I think, uh, this gives us an occasion to actually talk about, you know, how a a human, for lack of better term, say man or a man receives the whole can receive the Holy Spirit. So quickly touching upon your point, you know, in the Old Testament, um, the spirit only came upon people, right? The Spirit was not en welling, uh, human beings. The reason for that is, as you said, the work of the largest Christ income. And he did not come. The cross was not, uh, the work of the cross was not finished it. So through his sacrifice on the cross, he watched away our sin. Only then, you know, largest Christ, you know, we became bes where the Holy Spirit can. Well, so before, unless our sins are removed, unless we are cleaned of our sins, unless we are made righteousness of God in Christ, Holy Spirit could not well in us. Speaker 4 00:10:09 So that's where I think, like you said, the cross plays a very big role in, uh, in the how the Holy Spirit manifests before and after the cross. And, um, going into, you know, how we receive the Holy Spirit. You know, there are many scriptures. So, uh, I want to read a couple of them. In Acts chapter 10, Peter, after preaching the gospel, he says in chapter 10, verse 43, to him, all the prophets witnessed that through his name, whoever believes in him will receive the remission of sins. And while Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon those who heard the word. So Peter was talking about forgiveness of sins, and he's saying that, you know, whoever believes in him will receive the forgiveness of sins. And as soon as they heard the gospel and believed Holy Spirit fell on them. Speaker 4 00:11:08 So, and in another place in Acts chapter two was towards end of Acts chapter two, right? And after Peter, again, after he preach the gospel, um, it says, you know, in verse 37, Now when they heard this, they were cutting to heart and said to Peter and rest of the apostles, men and brother, and what shall we do? Then Peter said to him, to them, Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So again, here, you know, the gospel, that when someone hears the gospel and receives the forgiveness of sins that is offered through the gospel, they will receive a gift of the Holy Spirit. And we see in Galatians chapter three as well, Paul talks about, um, the blessing of Abraham. He says in, uh, Galatians chapter three, verse eight, and the scripture forcing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preach the gospel, Tobra Abraham beforehand saying he knew all the nations of the earth be blessed. Speaker 4 00:12:18 So here, clearly, you know, saying, he's saying that, you know, seeing that God would justify, he preached the gospel to Abraham saying that he knew all the nations shall be blessed. That means the blessing of Abraham here is justification. And then in was studying, it goes on to say that Christ has rided us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us. For it is written cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree, that the blessing of a brand might come up on the Gentiles in Jesus Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through fate. So clearly we see that, you know, as soon as a person believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and receives the forgiveness of sins, along with that, they also receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Speaker 2 00:13:03 That's a very interesting juxtaposition. There can't have the Holy Spirit without Jesus dying and, and paying the price for all of our sins. And then with the Holy Spirit, when the Bible says we are a new creature, we are a new creation. That's because we now are the indwelled of the Holy Spirit and that his Holy Spirit is now our nature and is now our new life. So that's, you know, it's a very logical progression that's step upon step upon step that, you know, I don't think is always made very clear or plain. I appreciate how well you put that. Speaker 4 00:13:41 Yeah. Thank you Tama, uh, real quick, Mark. So in fact, you know, like you said, right, you know, when we receive the Holy Spirit, that's how we are born again, right? And John chapter three, Lord Jesus says, You know, when EZ goes to him, he says, and accept, you'll be born again. You cannot be, um, enter the kingdom of God. And then is surprised, right? You know, can I go back into my womb, into my mother's womb and then be born again? Then he says, No, I'm not talking about the natural birth. I'm talking about, uh, the spiritual birth. You know, unless you're born of water and of the Spirit, you'll not enter the kingdom of God. So what happens is, you know, when a sinner receives the forgiveness of sins believing in the work of our Lord Jesus Christ, they're born again by the spirit of God. So that's when the spirit comes and gives us a new spirit. And we are actually born of God and we become the children of God with the Spirit in Belling us. Speaker 3 00:14:35 You know, we talk a lot on this podcast about the fact that we've been saved, uh, through faith alone and made righteous justified by faith alone in Christ. And so many fear that, you know, so many preachers preach against that you're relying on grace too much. They call it hyper grace. They say that kind of grace is a license to sin, and they would be right if not for one thing. That is, that it's not just that Christ took us out from under the law, do this, don't do that religious activity, earning meriting deserving our own of our own abilities. He didn't just take us out from under that and leave us right there. That would be dangerous when you think about it. But what he did is he gave us his spirit simultaneously. So it's not a choice of living by grace or just going off and doing your own thing, whatever. Speaker 3 00:15:39 You know, the apostle Paul would say, may that never be, He would get very angry about someone saying that. No, at that moment, after we're saved and put our faith in Christ, he's taken our sin, He's given us his righteousness, and he gives us a spirit as a seal of ownership and a deposit guaranteeing our future. That's such a beautiful thing, and just negates any argument by people that think there's such a thing as like, as, as that it's dangerous to live without rules and regulations and do this, don't do that. You know, fill in the blank, uh, self-improvement behavior, behavior modification, performance. There's a million, there's a million words for it, but the truth is, none of those things are our performance. Those are the, the job and role of the spirit, the ministry of the Spirit on our life. Speaker 4 00:16:33 Yeah, Mark, you know, that's a great point, right? You know, we are not saying, if we talked about it several times, right? At salvation, if all we received is pardon of our sins, right? It's like a somebody who is in jail and then he makes an uphill to the President and then well, you know, by my power I'm pardoning you. But essentially that sinner is, he just got outside of the jail, but he's still a sinner and he in fact that sin is committed by him forever, that sin is attached to him. But in salvation, that's not what happens, right? So we actually die with our Lord Jesus Christ, and then we are raised again as a new creation in our Lord Christ and with the spirit involving us. So that is why, you know, we don't have to fear that if we go from under the law, right? Speaker 4 00:17:24 If we are no longer under the law, we don't have to fear that we'll go out and, uh, live like a devil. Because obviously if Christ is in us and we are in Christ, we will live more like our Lord Jesus Christ. So we don't really need a law to keep us on track, because law is needed for people, you know, who have evil nature, right, whose tendencies to sin for them. You need a lot to keep them on track. But for believers whose tendency is to commit righteousness, we don't need a lot to keep us on track because we have the nature of our Lord Christ himself. Speaker 3 00:18:01 I love the way you put that RJ tendency is to commit righteousness. I just recently got a very large debate with some people over, and I think I mentioned in the last podcast over that line, and come thou found prone to wander, Lord, I feel it prone to leave the God I love. No, I'm not prone to that anymore. I was before I become a believer, But now as you put it, I have a tendency toward righteousness. I'm no longer a slave to sin, I'm a slave to righteousness. You know, And I just think, you know, and you could say, Oh, Mark, you're nitpicking and splitting hairs. It's a song. But I think for too many centuries, believers have been wearing names that they're not, you know, wearing the name sinner wearing, you know, uh, wearing the name prone to sin or prone to leave God. Speaker 3 00:18:58 And those things affect who we are because it's the way we think about ourselves. And I think even secular psychologists and psychol and psychiatrists would tell you that people with low esteem, that think they're worthless and all that, that's gonna outplay in their lives in so many negative ways. That's why one of my great passions and calling, um, as a believer and as a worship leader and as a songwriter, is I want Christians to understand the highest state that they've been given to, to understand exactly what Christ has done for them. They are now the temple of the holy. Sp just, we could do a, we've already done many podcasts on this, but for them to own the fact that they are no longer slaves or servants, but they are children of God and heirs of God. Speaker 4 00:19:51 Yeah, one of my favorite teachers, he used to say, If truth sets sets you free error keeps you in bondage. So no matter how the error comes to us, be it in a song or through teaching, you know, it's important to understand, you know, identify the error and uh, and, uh, not believe it. Right? You know, we basically reject error and embrace the truth in embracing the truth. We embrace freedom. Speaker 2 00:20:20 All right? So we've kind of met the Holy Spirit through what we've been saying so far. And I think that one of the things that defines for me who the Holy Spirit is, and you we've been doing it since we started talking about it in this podcast, is there are so many different words and names attached to the Holy Spirit. And now someone might go, well, you know, okay, that's great, they're descriptors. But in Hebrew it goes deeper than that. The, you know, a name is a descriptor or a definition of who somebody is. You know, names are very important in Hebrew. In fact, in Samuel first Samuel 25, 25 is the verse, Uh, let, let not my Lord, I pray the regardless man of Beal, even Neal for as his name is, so is he, Neal is his name, and Foley is with him, but I the handmade and Son, not the young men of my Lord, whom nows just son. It's, it's what he is basically saying is his name means Foley and that's sure who he is. So names are important, and they take, they're, they're taken very seriously. Now, I think the most common term for the Holy Spirit these days is just that Holy Spirit. And Mark, you noticed a trend biblically speaking. I I I'd like you to go ahead and bring up, Speaker 3 00:21:43 You know, we live in a great time right now for Bible study, for understanding and scripture cuz we can have it up on our computer. We can search every single word in the Bible. So what a, what a gift, what a tool that is. So I just typed in spirit and I mean I literally came up with, I think, Tim, you said what you had over 30. Yeah, I came up with very close number to that, um, through my search. We may be in different translations, but that's at the point. Uh, but one thing I did understand is that you didn't understand that I noticed is all these different names in the Old Testament, as my Concords got up to Matthew when I started moving out into the New Testament, like I, I didn't add 'em up, but all of a sudden it just jumped out at me that all of a sudden they referred to the Spirit as the Holy Spirit, not the spirit of God or the promised Spirit of the, you know, there's so many other names, dozens of them, but very strongly prevalent. Speaker 3 00:22:52 It jumped out at me. And so I don't have an answer for that. But the one thought I thought of was that perhaps this, now that, that the spirit is in us, it became almost like a proper name. That's just a theory I have cuz I can't explain it. But for, and you all can just pray about this and think about it yourself. But in the New Testament, the spirit of God is referred to as the Holy Spirit by far more than any other name. And I don't know if there's significance to that or not. You would think there would be, Speaker 2 00:23:27 I'm gonna, I'm going pause a theory. I'm not, I like you, I'm not a biblical scholar to this degree, but I believe that again, it's the difference between Hebrew and Greek. The New Testament is mostly written in Greek Old Testament, mostly written in Hebrew. And in Hebrew, all the different names are literally descriptors of the character, the person, if you will, uh, the the everything about the Holy Spirit. And so every single name brings us a little bit more understanding. And while I, I think Hebrew is just a little bit more rich in that than the Greek is. And um, yeah, I I, my list I think was 32 or more. And I overall, and you know, we can get a lot of information out of that as to who the Holy Spirit is, what he's here for and what he's doing. You, you were, you were starting to say that there are a lot of names in the Old Testament. I wanna let you rattle a few off just to kind of give everybody a flavor of what the Holy Spirit's all about. Speaker 4 00:24:29 Can I interject real quick here? I'm sorry. So on that point Mark, you know, I don't have a theory, but, uh, one thing that occurred to me is in the Old Testament, they had the temple or the tabernacle of Moses RightSo. They had the outer coats and the holy place and the holiest of al the most holy place. And, um, nobody could enter into the most holy place. And it means that, you know, God is actually, you know, not in fellowship with us, not in uh, uh, close communion with us at the time because the sacrifice of Lord Jesus Christ was not made yet. But in the New Testament right after the cross, we see that, uh, the, as soon as the Lord Christ died on the cross, you know, the whale was torn into two showing that, you know, we can now enter the Holy of Holies and God actually can actually come out of the Holy of Holies and then, uh, have fellowship with the human beings. Speaker 4 00:25:27 So one thing that, uh, reminds me when we say Holy Spirit in the New Testament is, you know, even though God is holy and thrives holy because of the finished work of Lord Jesus Christ, he dwells in us and we have close fellowship and communion with us. So even the Bible says, you know, the love of God and the grace of our Lord Christ and the fellowship and the communion of the Holy Spirit. So when we think of Holy Spirit and Holy Spirit dwelling in us, there are two things that, uh, come to mind for. One is he's holy. You know, just as Holy Spirit does not dwell in unclean places. So the fact that Holy Spirit is dwelling in us means that I'm holy and perfectly righteous in God's sight. And second thing is in, in the Old Testament sin as they could never dare have communion with the Holy Spirit because they would die. But in the New Testament, we have this privilege of close communion with the Holy God and Holy Spirit, even though he's holy because of the finish for of Jesus Christ, we are able to have a close communion with him. So that's such a privilege we have in the New Testament. Speaker 3 00:26:38 You know, that you just touched upon a point there that perhaps the reason he's called the Holy Spirit is because he's in us. We know that from just the preponderance of scripture, that means we are holy. Yeah. If the Holy Spirit is in us, we are holy. And every time we say Holy Spirit, we can just use that as a little reminder to remember because he's in us, we are holy too. Yeah. And I I I love the, I love the point that you, um, you made about, uh, the Old Testament, uh, tabernacle, sacrifices once a year the chief priests would go into the holy of Holies. They used to it. It was not a safe thing to do though. They used to tie a rope around his ankle in case the glory of the Lord broke up a, you know, broke out against him. They could drag him back out, but he could not go in without blood. Yeah. It was a, it was a prophecy thousands of years before Christ, that you cannot be in the presence of the holy without blood of a blameless, spotless lamb man. What a powerful prophecy that is. Now the difference is then the, the priest went into the Holy of Holies. Once Christ died, the holy of Holies went into us. Yeah. And that's such a powerful thing. It's God coming after us, coming to us through the blood of his precious son. Speaker 2 00:28:07 That's powerful. But before we, before we digress there, Mark, I wanted to ask you for some of your names. I know you've got a big list and okay, let you go forward with Speaker 3 00:28:17 That. Here they caught, Tim, are you ready? Speaker 2 00:28:19 I am Speaker 3 00:28:19 Ready. I started in the old covenant. So these are sequential through, but okay. Holy Spirit, spirit of Christ, I love that spirit of Jesus, the counselor, the advocate, spirit of God, spirit of truth, the spirit, the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom and understanding. The spirit of counsel and of might the spirit of the knowledge and fear of the Lord God refers to the spirit as your spirit. His spirit, my spirit. Well through the apostles would say His spirit or your spirit, the spirit of the sovereign lo Lord, spirit of your Father. The promise. Holy Spirit. I love that one. The spirit of wisdom and revelation. I particularly love that one cuz Paul called him that a lot when he prayed for believers that God would give us the spirit of wisdom and revelation to know him better, Spirit of holiness spirit who gives life, spirit who gives life to our mortal bodies. Speaker 3 00:29:15 Those are two of my favorite. Two, because he's not just he's spirit, but he doesn't just affect our lives and the spiritual realms, He affects our mortal bodies, the blood, the cells, they hair the skin. He has an effect on our mortal bodies. And that effect is giving life to it. The spirit of our God, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, spirit of grace, the spirit of glory, the spirit of prophecy. So as you can see, there's a lot of names. Now, as I mentioned, once you get into the, into the New Testament, like it's the major, the major majority of that's a proper term is Holy Spirit. So perhaps it's something tied in with the fact that we are now a holy. Speaker 2 00:30:00 So I'm watching the clock cuz you know who I am. I'm the clock watcher. So I I I, we've got about, we've got some time here. What I want you guys to do while I, I'll go first, but I want you guys to do this too. We don't have time to go nearly through that all list. And I want to, in maybe the next podcast to go digger dig a little bit deeper. There's so many names and there's so much meat in there about who the Holy Spirit is for us. And uh, I want to want you to pick a name that means something to you more than any of the others. Hopefully I won't steal the one you're thinking of, but I'll go first and I'll tell you which one it is and why. And then I'll pass it off to somebody. But my favorite one is the spirit of truth. Speaker 2 00:30:49 And and you might think that's a really weird one and that's okay. You, if anyone knows me, I like to dig into stuff until I think I know what I'm talking about. Um, I like to get to the bottom of things, I like to understand them. And then I know, I know for a fact I'll never understand God cuz he's so much more than I will ever be. But I love the spirit of truth because there are times in my life where I've been in a situation where someone is conveying information to me where mys my spirit leapt in joy. I can't describe it any other way. And it really wasn't. It was the, it was the Holy Spirit test, the spirit of truth testifying to my spirit, the truth of what I was learning. And I will tell you that it has never been more strong than on my journey of understanding and accepting grace that has been anywhere in my life. Speaker 2 00:31:47 But it has also been down to tiny discernments at times. It can be so personal, so focused that I, I've, I keep trying to cultivate in myself the ability to hear, feel, and understand that so that when the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth get intervenes in something I'm listening to or hearing that it's good or bad, that I can follow that, um, I want to be the sheep in this instance. I want to just blindly follow that. Because when the spirit of truth moves, it is incredible what can happen to your life. Anybody I want to go next. Speaker 4 00:32:24 I want to go before, uh, Mark Steels mine. So <laugh> <laugh>, Speaker 3 00:32:31 I will cut you off if you Speaker 4 00:32:32 Take mine <laugh>. Yeah. So actually before talking about my favorite one, and I would like to talk about the, the one that I was, uh, most scared of. In fact, you know, his name right? The Spirit of Holiness. Because before I came to know Grace, I interpreted it as, unless I'm holy, I cannot really have the spirit of God. You know, that's a very tall order, impossible thing. And I know myself way better to understand that there's no way I can have the Holy Spirit that, uh, if Holy Holiness is a criteria. So I used to be very scared of it until I knew the grace of God. And that brings me to my favorite name, which is the Spirit of Grace. So I'm going to hold off on going into details. Probably now we can talk more about, uh, it in the next, uh, podcast. We'll probably dig into it more. But yeah, that is my favorite. Speaker 3 00:33:30 Well, I would say my favorite, thankfully is not the ones that Dodge brought up. I, I like the spirit of Revelation. Uh, first of all, it's the spirit's job to reveal Christ to us in the first place, to give us faith and draw us to, to Jesus. So at a certain point when I was, uh, in my early twenties, the Spirit began to reveal Christ to me. And I ultimately came to him because, well, for a lot of different reasons. But, uh, another great way that he is the spirit of Revelation. The Apostle Paul was quoting the prophet Isaiah when he said, No, I is seen, no ear is heard, no human mind conceived of the things God has prepared for those who love him, who he's revealed by his spirit. And it says, God has not given us the spirit of the world, but the spirit of God so that we may understand everything he has freely given us. Speaker 3 00:34:33 So first the Spirit revealed Christ to me, to make me a believer. Now the Spirit is in me revealing all that Christ did for me, revealing who Christ is, revealing who the Fathers revealing, hopefully who the spirit is as we dig deeper here, but just what a wonderful role he has in our life of revealing all we have in Christ and helping us be transformed into His image by revealing who Christ is as we contemplate him. Um, and then another place I love where the Apostle Paul is praying for the church, and I already, uh, touched upon it, but he, he prays that God would send his spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may know him better. So what, what a wonderful role and what a priceless, uh, gift for us to have the Spirit who's gonna help us to know God in this life. Speaker 3 00:35:29 And then he goes on to say, and to know the hope to which we've called and to know the incomparably in comparably great power for us who believe, which is the same as the mighty strike that ra that God exerted to raise Christ from the dead. So all these things, the Spirit is revealing to us. And then finally, one of the things I really love is that, that scripture tells us that the Bible itself is the sword of the spirit. It's what the Spirit uses that we can use as we do battle. You can fill in the blank for what your battle is in life. But the Spirit is revealing to us what scripture means as we read it. I think that's the one of the reasons it's living inactive because the spirit of God is in those words. It was those words were written as the Spirit led. Holy man along it says the apostles into the different people that wrote the Bible. So what awesome revelation he's given us, He's revealing Christ himself. He's revealing all the things that we have in Christ. He's revealing God himself. And he's, he's giving us a revelation of what scripture means. That's a treasure right there, isn't it? Speaker 2 00:36:46 Amen. I will say this, that the more I read the Bible, I, I've been involved in church since I was a child. I was, I came to the saving knowledge of Jesus probably when I was 11 or 12 years old. But I can read the same verse over and over and over again and still find new meaning in it. And one of the big, I, I don't know why this one sticks with me, it has always stuck with me, but there's a, the verse in the Bible that says, God will give you the desires of your heart. And the, the, the transformation of that verse from God will give me whatever I want to God will give me the des the holy desires of his heart. I mean, that's how I ended up in Russia. I wouldn't have told you three years before that happened, I'd never end up in Russia. But God gave me the desire for a certain place and a certain people and a certain time. And I went because God gave me the desire of my heart to go do that and that kind of change and of revelation of what something says and what it means. That's life changing right there, aj. Speaker 4 00:37:55 Yeah. So that's an awesome point, uh, Mark you made about the revelation, right? So in fact, unless the spirit reveals to us we could know nothing, right? We could not know anything about the gospel or any of the truths. And in fact, the Bible says, uh, in the same, uh, chapter in first current in chapter two that you quoted earlier, but the natural man does not receive the things of the spirit for their foolishness to him. Now, can you know them because they're spiritually discern. So, so because you know, the spirit reveals, uh, all the truth that we receive has to be a revelation of the spirit. Otherwise there's no way we can understand using our natural means. You know, that also reminds us right now we have been without the revelation that we have even about the grace of our Lord Christ for many, many years. Speaker 4 00:38:46 So, no, sometimes it's easy to get, uh, frustrated when talking to people who do not still have that revelation. So the first thing we do is just depend on the lot to give them the same revelation. But, uh, it's important to understand that because even sometimes we try to argue with the world, right? Using, uh, our revelation, you know, for them it's nothing. It's foolishness. So unless somebody is, uh, whose eyes are open by the spirit, they can understand nothing. So I think it's, uh, it's good for us or important for us to understand that and be more patient. And of course, even now there's a lot more, right? We just barely scratching the surface. There's a lot more in a lot will reveal to us. So it's good to be patient with each other. Speaker 2 00:39:41 Probably the next episode or so, we're going to dig a little bit more into this Holy Spirit, uh, quote thing because there's so much here and we can barely scratch the surface, even in a 45 minute podcast. So I don't wanna turn this into a game show cuz I've already, I've already challenged you guys once without you knowing I was gonna do it ahead of time. Uh, but I'm gonna say, I'm gonna ask you a question and I will answer it so you don't have to feel put on the spot. Do you guys have a guess as to what one verse in the Bible describes the Holy Spirit more in one verse than anywhere else in the Bible? Speaker 3 00:40:19 Well, here's one that I like. Romans eight, nine says, You, however, however, are not in the realm of the flesh, but are in the realm of the Spirit. If indeed the spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ. I just really like that one for this reason, that in the same sentence they describe the, they describe the Spirit as the spirit of God and the spirit of Christ. When we have the spirit of God, we have Christ in us. You know, it's just a, a really powerful verse and it, it also is a great one proof for the Trinity that you know, and there are other verses where you get the Father and the Son and the Spirit in one verse, but that one right there is when you've got the spirit of God, it's the spirit of Christ because Christ is God. Speaker 2 00:41:14 Yep. That's great. That is a wonderful verse and it's pretty good. It was of a description, but I'll be honest, I think I can do you one better and I'm gonna challenge for listeners, if anyone has something that can, can come close to what Mark just did or what I think, I think may best that Speaker 3 00:41:31 Aj you're gonna be the judge on this. Which one is more powerful, Speaker 2 00:41:34 <laugh>, please let us know. But Isaiah 11, 12 says, The spirit of the Lord will rest on him. The spirit of wisdom and the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel and of might the spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord. That's one verse, four different names, five, six different names, different missions, different descriptors. I I was like, wow, that's, that's huge in, in, in what? Less than 20 words. Speaker 3 00:42:06 And that is the spirit of Christ. So it really gets enveloped by mine. Speaker 2 00:42:10 I, like I said, I don't wanna make this, I don't wanna make this a game show and I've challenged them twice in one podcast. I'm gonna, I'm gonna say we're getting close, so I'm gonna give you guys a chance to wrap up your thoughts for this evening. Um, AJ we'll go an alphabetical order. What do you think? Speaker 4 00:42:25 Yeah, you know, one of the things I wanted to mention is, you know, before again coming to know the grace of God as I know now, you know, sometimes before understanding, uh, the Holy Spirit, sometimes we refer to Holy Spirit as it. So for many people Holy Spirit is an it, but you know, Holy Spirit is a person, he's as much a person as God the Father and uh, God the Son. You know, sometimes when we say spirit, most of the people relate, uh, Holy Spirit of force rather than a person. So he is a person and he is, uh, part of the Trinity, right? Bible also calls it as Godhead. So he's a third person of the Trinity. And then Holy Spirit is God himself. So he's no less than the Father and the Son. So I just wanted to point that out, that he's a person for me. Actually the light went, uh, of when I heard a message long time back, you know, he just said, you know, Holy Spirit is a person. You know, that, uh, was a very important revelation. So I just wanted to mention that. Speaker 2 00:43:33 Amen. That's fabulous. Mark. You better, you better you better talk now or I'll close this up. Speaker 3 00:43:39 No, I'm gonna talk now. I will not <laugh> ever pass that by one of my, we've talked about second Corinthians three many times. It's one of my most life-changing chapters. It's Paul's brilliant, powerful comparison to the Old Covenant in the New Covenant. And he says, of the old covenant works of the law, that it is a ministry of death and condemnation and was only meant to be transitory, to bring us to the new covenant, which is Christ and of the new covenant. He says, it's a ministry of righteousness and of the Spirit. So there's only one way to get the Holy Spirit. And that's through the new covenant, which is faith alone by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. So as we talk about this person of the spirit, realize if you're adding your own works, if you're trying to do this, not do that by your strength and by going to church more, you know, whatever, fill in the blank as I like to say. That's not how you get there. You get there through faith in Christ alone. That's the ministry of the Spirit. And we will get into greater detail of what his ministry is in the next episode Speaker 2 00:44:53 To. I was just gonna try and tease the next episode. Mark Goods segue. I don't normally, in fact, we don't normally tease the next episode, but this has just been a scratching of the surface of the things that we want to share and, and bring out about the person of the Holy Spirit. As you said, AJ not in it, it's a he. And so I think for certain we're gonna have another episode on this. And guys, I wanna thank you. I, when I talked about the spirit of truth, I'm dancing inside because the spirit of truth is just revealing to me the things that I believe we're saying our truth. And I think that I get that feeling from the Holy Spirit. Everybody, Thank you very much for listening to us. Again. We really would love to hear from you. We are available on Facebook. You can reply to pretty much any of our podcasts on any of the platforms you use. There's some specific information in the music to follow. Thanks for listening and we look forward to talking to you the next time. We would like to thank you for listening to the unveiling. We hope you have enjoyed it enough to consider subscribing and sharing with others. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. You can reach us via email at the unveiled [email protected] or find our Facebook page at the unveiling podcast for aj, Mark, and myself. God bless and we will talk with you next time.

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